Tendo City

Full Version: Yes, again.
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I tried to import the UBB again (some admins will recall me telling them not to use the import systems), and it crashed the board (and then, for some odd reason, the subdomain refused connections). Anyway, I had to do a clean reinstall to a different directory, and start from scratch, so I'm afraid we're back at square one again.

The screwup was my fault, and it leads me to conclude that trying again to get our UBB posts back is a bad idea, therefore I will not try again. We can archive them if that's what everyone wants, that will of course take a lot of time to do, but that seems to be all we can do right now.

So, we start again, and this time, the board isn't going anywhere.

Sorry guys :(
Well hello everyone. I just hope nobody gives up on the 'ol Tendo city and descends into the madness that is the IGN board. Or worse, join NetMapel at the Sales Age forums. This is my "I'm still here" post.
Ahhhh, forums.tcforums.com was a nicer address imho. Is there no way to get that one to work? :S
Good thing you have your priorities set, Smoke.
And all this time I thought you were absolutely perfect. :) S'okay, yeah it's too bad we lost it, but oh well.
Bah! This stinks... I mean, losing the old TC archives is bad (though archiving them will mean at least they're not totally gone), but losing all the posts since we started this new forum is really too bad... it seemed like it was just starting to recover...

Oh. I seem to have lost those posts that were added. Please put my post count at 2005 or so... between 2005 and 2010, anyway.
Well, what is love without loss?
Oh well it's not that bad, at least it's not ezboard
Fuggit. All of those topics that I had to reply to... gone... forever. So what were we talking about yesterday?
:jesus:: Me!
random-combat RPGs was one thing... but so many posts... gone... its bad! And it doesn't look like it has begun to recover yet... :(
if welty decides to give everyone their posts back, i remember hitting 700 a few days ago.
Oh me oh my...
Hey Welly, I can't log onto the admin control panel.
I see -_____- got his postcount fixed. What about me? I need 100-110 posts more added...

Oh, and VBulletin rocks... being able to change our own avatars (and upload them to the server) and title is very cool.
I'd fix your post count if I could. I can't get into the admin center.

I distinctly remember being told not to touch those controls, now I know why :D

Oh well, at least we didn't lose much.
But now we'll never get back all of those old posts. :(

Can't somebody make an archive or something?
Oh, they're there. I was looking at them, and they're screwed over. But yes, the threads are there. It'll take a LOT of work to get those presentable.
i have the second most posts in the forum now MWAHAHAHA
Dang, though, OB1 has probably posted more than anyone else on THESE boards... I blame IGN.
I had 9,000 posts at last count...

All of those threads gone... :bummed:





In case Nintendarse didn't catch my last Skies of Arcadia post, I'll sum it up here: BUY THE GAME IT IS SO AMAZING AND YOU'LL LOVE IT FOREVER!!!
wow what low post counts
and i'm back to being registered on a tuesday
Quote:Originally posted by -_____-
i have the second most posts in the forum now MWAHAHAHA

no it appears I do

for now

edit: not anymore
Well... SOME people here seem to have... adjusted... their postcounts, but mine is still 110 posts too low... :(
I don't know how many posts I've lost because I haven't been watching much lately
Now that the post conts are fixes, I think I'm third after LL and OB1
Well, things are almost back to the way they were, as in, a few days ago. All I need to do now is fix the spoiler tag, but I can't seem to do that without causing a WEIRD glitch. Check the Metroid Prime thread to see how I really messed it up. The spoiler is still hidden, but wow, just, wow. Check my code with edit, and then tell me what I did wrong.

Nice to have all our favorite smilies back, and THEN some!

Eek :bang: Super :troll:
*throws cards in to a hat*

Christ o mighty I am bored out of my damn mind. Who wants to play naked twister?? I'll get the saran wrap! Oh my God, this place sucks. Let's make it not suck, that would be swell. I have school at 5 in the afternoon now so YUNNO WHAT THAT MEANS BOYS AND PERVERTS, YO FAVORITE LITTLE BUNDLE OF HOMOEROTIC LOVE GETS TO VISIT ALOT MORE OFTEN!!! CHEESE AND RICE MY DEVINE WAITRESSES, CHEESE AND RICE INDEED!!!! *rubs life-size cardboard cut-outs of Jennifer Lopez on his ass cheeks because she's spinich, I mean spanish*

We want to go to America!
We want to go to America!

That's not dirty dancing, you make Devon look like St.Mary. Haha, I licked the spoons. I licked ALL the spoons!
LAZY! Where hast thou been!?

Never leave again!

*has probably already left*