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Full Version: The "You guys all suck because you won't post in a thread except in that one" Thread!
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Now post in some other threads!


Yeah, I guess I am going a little over-board on the thread creation, but no one else is doing it! If I don't, who's going to? Now let's discuss something like the civilized people that I know we really are!!
Hmm...let's discuss something civilized and snobbish!

I say! Um...that;s the only snobbish thing I know. Someone else take over.
I got notin
Well, I do know that sometimes British people will say "Pippip, cheerio!", but I don't really know what a breakfast cereal has to do with being civilized, although it is rather tasty.

I know! Let's discuss the degeneration of American society as it relates to the actions and tendencies of today's youth and the breaking down of moral barriers! Exciting!


me neither
Great Rumbler Wrote:I know! Let's discuss the degeneration of American society as it relates to the actions and tendencies of today's youth and the breaking down of moral barriers! Exciting!


It's those damn videogames.
I knew it!

Anyway, I blame the parents more than anything, really. If you don't teach your children what's right and what's wrong you shouldn't expect them to learn it in the "real world".


i totally agree with that
Yeah, all their fault! People run over people in GTA and then want to steal cars and run over pedestrians too!
I stole a car in GTA...and then I went out and stole a real car. True story.
See, it's true!
I'm just an innocent victim of the evil, videogame makers! *Teh lawsuitorz!!
I like to try NOT to kill people, but stealing cars is just....necessary :nodding:
Very necessary! As necessary as food and water. You see the act of stealing automobiles, by it's very nature, satisfies the baser instincts of the human animal and leaves said individual with a feeling of intense coolitude.
No, just...the game doesnt give you cars...
Then you crash them and blow them up and always wake up at the hospital, right?
It happened in the videogame so it must happen in real life as well!

Quote:No, just...the game doesnt give you cars...

That is uncredible!

Actually, I thought the most fun thing to do in GTA was to get a car and then just drive around listening to the radio and doing stunts and stuff like that. Odd, huh?