Tendo City

Full Version: The Official "They got mad and moved that thread and then deleted it, let's just forg
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et it" Thread.


Not enough space for thread names.


Anyway, that thread is now gone, banished to some foul and loathsome Purgutory no doubt, but it wasn't really that great of a thread in any case, and everyone got mad at it, though I suspect the true reason to be that the anger was more at the creator of the thread rather than the actual existence of the thread. It's likely for the better that it is gone since it's very appearance caused undue duress in others and amounted to a large fraying of nerves and explosions of immense anger. So, let's just forget about it and move on to something more constructive, like guessing who will post next, which you can convientely do in the thread marked as such.

That thread actually caused more people to post more times than anything else in a long time. What a joke. But, I digress...
Enough threads, GR?
What did happen to the stupid pictures thread? I can't find it. Did they really delete it? Not sure who's action it was... Might have been... GR! Trying to FRAME the "Enemy" or whatever, doesn't matter... Whoever did it deleted other people's posts in the process and I don't think they had good cause. Anyway, let's not be doing that again.
Quote:Enough threads, GR?

Not yet! I gotta get people to post while they're hanging around, otherwise they'll leave and then not come back for a long time!
The famous Picture Thread is in the Bo Jackson forum now, DJ. I think EM moved it there.
Now, it's back here again. I have my suspicions about that, but...