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Should we make a poll and force her out of the closet?

The bottom half haisnt been posted for a number of days just had too see new post bugged me too much!
Then maybe you should make a thread that is about some WORTHWHILE.
Or NOT worthwhile. Eh? Ehhhh?
It's ASM, GR...
Also try making a thead that isn't almost exactly like another recent thread.
[Image: mini.gif]
I used to have one of those as a kid!
The NES controller or the gun? I think most everyone here, at one time, had those things.
I had an NES controller and the gun, and not the sucky orange one either, I'm talking about the real-deal grey gun.
both actually for duck hunt.
Does it really matter?
Does anything here matter?
My brother had the gray gun, then he traded it for an orange gun with a friend. I liked the gray one better though.

But they're all gone now. :(
A friend of mine had the gun, so I've used it... Duck Hunt is easy when you put it against the screen... :D
And that's why you do it!

One time my NES light gun got messed up and you could shoot at anything [on-screen and off] it would count as a hit. I racked up so many points in Duck Hunt...
You're awesome.
New high score set!
You know it!
Indeed. :D
Who here remebers Virtual boy?

[Image: v_boy_1.jpg]
Who doesn't remember it? I almost got one when it was on sale for $70, because I had played one earlier and I thought that it was awesome, but for some reason I refrained...
If it only had more color and the games were better, Another problem was that you couldnt see your own hands so it was wierd to adjust too, you had to really get the grip of the controler.Seeing Red all day was nausiating it gives a small insight into color blindness I am sure those folk must of liked it alot.

They had a mario tenis game that was kind of fun to play but everything else was pretty awful.

I remeber how everyone thought VR was the next best step in gaming , I remeber there was a amusement park that had a farely fun VR game set to play it was better then virtual boy, But it was more exspensive then some cars at the time.

I think Virtual boy played a part in VR down fall as a gaming medium ,Which is sad given what their capable of doing now it would be the last big leap left too do.

[Image: virtualboysp_1_1080777092.jpg]
The Mario Tennis game was the one that I played and it was fun. The Virtual Boy might have caught on if it weren't for the fact that playing it for extended amounts of time lead to frequent headaches. Not exactly a good selling point.
If it had more bits of color which apparently it had less then the NES you could have had some good games , They could have had a Guncon just like the NES one for Virtual boy and you could have had a respectable FPS experience.

By the time N64 came this thing was dead ,Most VB were at pawn shops by that time , Everybody wanted to get rid of the thing since it was discontinued.Some places finally were giving them for free or in clearance sales.

I bet the creator of this montrosity was tossed off the Nintendo Head quartres roof into on coming traffic.
The Virtual Boy is Nintendo's one hardware failure... but it was a pretty big one. About fifteen games were released for it in the US. Ouch. Why did it fail? The red and black graphics, the headaches, the fact that people never were convinced that VR was the right way to go... and it never had a 'system seller' game, really... it just didn't work. Oh well. I only used one a little, but it sure was different... I wanted one a little bit, but never got around to it and then it vanished.
Do you know a site that can give me a full history on Virtual Boy?
OB1, if you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything at all...

Ooh, pwn3d by ABF again!!

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1222&stc=1]
Go away.
Another zinger!
I'm tired of your stupidity and it's not worth the effort.
Because we all know that when you do try hard enough you have the wit of ten Billy Crystals!
I know I'm not great at humor other than sarcasm... oh well, not everyone can be.
Which is why you shouldn't even try.
I, on the other hand, am always funny.
[size=-10]yeah, thanks to my awesome catch-phrases...[/size]
Dude, your catch-phrases are total suckage and I say that with all confidence.

I'm the one that made Semnat and Bo Jackson what they are today! I AM THEIR FATHER!!!
Yeah right you WISH!! I made ALL of this things super-popular and YOU are just riding on my wave of AWESOMENESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thread makes me realize just how much is still a mystery. At least I finally saw what Mapel looks like.

I think we all know what you want.

[Image: PBF036ADHugbot.jpg]

People at work must think that I'm nuts because I keep on cracking up.

[Image: PBF014BCElephantDream.jpg]
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