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Is it true your were sired by a monkey out of the pussy of a goat?!!!

(sorry just had to be fare)
(it's so the truth)
21 isn't that old...
What if there was like a machine that made it where you could be 21 forever and never get older? Wouldn't that be awesome?
Why hasn't that been invented yet?
Great Rumbler Wrote:What if there was like a machine that made it where you could be 21 forever and never get older? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Not really...
You don't think that that'd be great? I guess ASM is right then... :D
Quote:Why hasn't that been invented yet?

I know! Something like that would be a GOLD MINE! *shifty eyes* I think I'm gonna just...go and...drink coffee...*runs off to invent the Stay 21 Forever machine before anyone else*
I'd rather be 25 forever than 21 forever.
25 is too old. It's pratically middle-age after all.
Maybe for a youngin' like you!
I wish I was 35 so that I could say "Hey guess how old I am!" and other people would say "I don't know? 25?" and I'd say "Nope, I'm 35!" and they'd be all surprised and stuff.
Yeah that'd be neat.
I know! I can invent a machine that will allow you to make yourself turn 35 instantly! It's GENIUS!!

Garden State is really good. Picked up the dvd today. Saw it in theaters twice.
I haven't really heard much about it.
Made by the guy who's the star in Scrubs, right? Haven't seen it.
Yes. Excellent movie.

You guys really need to watch more than your everyday Hollywood blockbuster, you know? There's so much better stuff out there. You should know that, GR, since you like some Asian cinema.
Quote:You guys really need to watch more than your everyday Hollywood blockbuster, you know?

I try to, but movies like that are rarely shown around here. I did get to see "Finding Neverland" and "Hero", though. I'd go see "The Life Aquatic" but it isn't showing around here.
Great Rumbler Wrote:I try to, but movies like that are rarely shown around here. I did get to see "Finding Neverland" and "Hero", though. I'd go see "The Life Aquatic" but it isn't showing around here.

Finding Neverland kinda counts... I should see it.
Quote:Finding Neverland kinda counts... I should see it.

It's a really good movie.
So I've heard.
I don't just watch hollywood films... mostly sure but not just. I don't watch all that many films (I do watch some, but not a LOT), but I've seen a few films in the arthouse theater in town. :) This year I saw 'The Story of the Weeping Camel'... interesting film... and very different. I also saw Winged Migration there, a year or two ago.

And I know Alexander probably doesn't count, but it isn't your normal Hollywood film so why not mention it. :) Hmm, what else did I see (in theaters) this year... uh, what came out this year... I don't remember... I know I saw Spiderman 2 (as mediocre as the first), the third Harry Potter movie (decent kids' film and overrated), Troy (ick! I liked some parts, but overall... not good...), Alexander, Story of the Weeping Camel... uh, was Cold Mountain this year? I think I remember seeing it in January anyway... and maybe something else, I don't know.
Winged Migration was great, even though it was pretty "fake".
Yeah, fake? It was good, I know that...

Oh, and I also saw Hidalgo.
Yeah, even though they said in the beginning that no effects were used, there were very obvious CG shots (like the one where the birds fly high into the atmosphere and you see the entire planet, and then the camera follows the bird swoop back down towards earth), and if you watch the documentary on the dvd you'll see that they got the birds to "perform" and do things that they wouldn''t usually do.

But overall it's a very cool documentary.
All animal documentaries get those accusations of setting up the animals... and it probably is true sometimes because waiting for them to do exactly the thing they want could be quite hard. Most of the time it's harmless though, like in this case where the resulting film was pretty good...
Quote:(like the one where the birds fly high into the atmosphere and you see the entire planet, and then the camera follows the bird swoop back down towards earth),

Yeah, that part was obviously CG, but nothing else was.
Even though they said that there were no special effects before the credits...

And look at the doc on the dvd, ABF. It's not just an accusation, they actually show what they did.

Seeing the movie in a big university theater was great, btw.
I saw it in the theater so I highly doubt that I'm going to see the DVD... it was good, but not 'watch multiple times' good -- just like most movies.
You're so weird, ABF.
You thilly goothe.
Great Rumbler Wrote:You're so weird, ABF.

I think we need to invent a new word to describe ABF. "Weird" simply doesn't cut it.
Invent a new word? Let's see... how about... neoweirdafragilisticsexpealadocious? Yeah, that word's fun (yet next to impossible) to say!
Mmmmm.... something shorter and more clever. Or dumb.
Mmm... something funnier.
Something somewhat sensical.
That wasn't one of your initial specifications!
... yeah...

How abooout.... "weirdtarded"...
Weirdtarded gets my vote.
Yeah, "weirtarded" sounds good.
But at the same time... it's not crazy enough. Like Bojacksome. We need something like that, but to describe ABF. Hmm... perhaps... perhaps we should add ABF in the word somewhere. To make it uniquely his. YES! What a perfect idea, if I don't mind saying so myself!

So... brainstorm!
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