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...and here comes the pitch... and...

...Curt Schilling unabashedly endorses Pres. Bush on live television!

...and that's STRIKE ONE on John Kerry!

"Tell them to vote. And-eh-tell them to vote Bush."

With those poignant words of wisdom, Curt Schilling has elevated himself to the status level of Best Person Ever. This guy is awesome; perhaps the only true athlete to reach this level (besides Ted Williams and that football guy who got killed in Iraq.) So, I'm hereby nominating Curt Schilling for the office of President, on the 2008 ticket.

Join me, brethren!
Far more Red Sox people, including the owners, are Democrats, so one Republican isn't so bad...
Curt Shilling = My second favorite hero, after Zell Miller.
Curt Schilling = no longer cool.
Zell Miller is just a moron...
"Democratic" senator from Georgia who's retiring this year and campaigning for Bush, saying that the Democrats have abandoned Southern Democrats while it's more like he's become a Republican...
John Kerry = REALLY long face

Quote:Zell Miller is just a moron...

You're the moron!
Did you see Zell Miller at the RNC? He was crazy!
Oh that was that "duel" guy? Haha, yeah he was pretty funny in a "holy crap I can't believe he was serious" way. Lol Personally I agree with him that people should be able to duel to the death nowadays. That way Zatoichi could become a senator!!
Think Schilling can compete with the new Eminem video? (if any of you have seen it...)
Eminem? You mean candy?
No...it's a new video by Eminem called Mosh that's basically an Anybody-But-Bush type-dealie. Do you think more people'll respond to the video or $chilling, is what I was asking.
Well, I don't suppose that question really matters anymore?