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That's kind of cool...I guess...
It's a cheap-looking thing from Nintendo (I think) kind of poking fun of the ilovebees thing... that's... that's why it says "never send a man to do"--.... you know...

Hey, that I love Bees site has this entire futuristic soap opera thing on it... anyone know what's up with it?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Ilovebees? I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe those would be funnier if I did...

I suppose I could just go to Ilovebees.com and see...sure is a lot to type, though...(and no pointing out that I've just typed it. I mean it. None.)
All I know about this 'ilovebees' thing is that it was some weird Halo ad campaign... but I know nothing more and don't really care.
Well you <i>should</i> care. It's the future of advertising.


I promise the article is very interesting, especially if you have no idea what the hell the "ilovebees" thing was all about.
"The future of advertising" is something I never even heard of until today, and I honestly still don't care about it. I suppose the advantage to this future is I'll never have to see an advertisement again :D.

Okay, I went to ilovebees.com. Maybe they were going for it, but it looks as badly made as any geocities site I've ever seen. Seriously, it's about what the name would suggest, a poorly done "hey, I love bees!" blogish site, but there are all these little government conspiracy looking popups all over, also badly done. I didn't bother going too far into it, because the whole thing just seems so utterly stupid.
But there's this little serial thing, a soap-opera, like I said. And, I actually find it interesting.

I have to say that this is, by leaps and bounds, one of the most creative promotional idea in the history of advertising. I don't even give half a shit about Halo 2, and until now, I didn't know there was any connection. I didn't even know it was a game!

I like stuff like this.
A soap opera, like, All My Circuits? Sorry, can't stand those.

And this is a game? How exactly?
... Erm
To go with the rest of the MP2 website campaign (those two other websites, linked in some post around here)?

Yeah that's some nice music. :) And that's obviously supposed to look like Samus, though not her of course.

I hope that music is from the game...
This definitely reminds me of the Perfect Dark website campaign stuff...
Yeah... Nintendo invented that type of ad. :)

As far as I know, at least.
Awesome website.
Not a whole lot there, but what is there is pretty cool... I think the UFO one was better though.
Athena Astronautics just sounds cool, though.
As in it has neat music, yes. :D
Yes, but content-wise, I think it's third behind those other two sites, at least so far.
I didn't bother reading through them...