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Haha, Zelda is so terrible it's awesome.
The first image I saw was one from Super Duper Sumos and after I saw that I had to turn the computer off and go cry quietly in a corner somewhere.
Super Duper Sumos!? Hahahahahaa!!!!!! Classic.

Best. Cartoon idea. Ever.

........I CLICKED IT........ OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S SO OLD!!!!!!!!!!!

I'M OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(

I NEED DUCKTALES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fucking hate Bubba and that idiot triceratops that acted like a dog. I didn't mean that, it's the kahlua talking. I love Bubba and his idiot triceratops but FUCKING HATE THE BEAGLE BOYS, WHO WALKS AROUND IN THEIR PRISON OUTFITS WITH THEIR ID TAGS HANGING AROUND THEIR NECKS????? FUCK oh god i'm getting flashbacks of Lost Vikings and Lolo. Having a late 80's/early 90's trip. I need to lather myself with Pikmin 2, prepaid cellphones and Dave Chappel.

Who was that little girl duck that always wore pink? Fuck her.
I think her name was Webby or something like that.
oh my god.

And hey, these aren't the greatest cartoons ever, but they really are much higher quality than practically anything they make now.

I mean, I'd take these over shit like Rocket Power any day.
Hey if you want good kid's cartoons look at CN for stuff like Samurai Jack and Dexter. That stuff completely blows away the crap we watched as kids (not including Looney Toons).
Looney Tunes is still the best...

The Zelda cartoon. So incredibly awful that it's good, I think... you know, good in that bad way...
If they don't have Freakazoid or Animaniacs then there's no reason for me to go to that site!
Wow, the memories lazy... those shows are painful... Fortunatly there's Cartoon Network. They rock. *mouse shows up* Hi...

Really, those shows suck. Then, you watch them and it's like "YES! Insult my intelligence! I NEED it! I MUST have it! Give me more! EVERY time you do something stupid it validates my opinion on you, validating my LIFE! DO IT AGAIN! YEEEESSS!" .... Well it is!

Except CN has gone evil on us. They went and made Atomic Betty. That's insulting. Also, there's that totally spies show. Sorry, the types of people those girls are, is the ENEMY, they shouldn't be heros! However, I will say this. They advertised the arse off Foster's Imaginary Home Show (I have no idea what it's actually called), and I HATED it, because they did this thing where they put HUGE banners at the bottom of SHOWS I'M WATCHING and they PLAYED SOUND EFFECTS. THANKS A LOT! I mean, I didn't need to hear that IMPORTANT PLOT POINT I've been watching the series to see anyway! ARGGG! Anyway, the show itself is actually frickin' hilarious.

Blue: Yes, you are are a terrible person because you can't appreciate distant house corners.

Stormy: I'm a skeleton.
As badly as those shows suck, Weltall is right, they're better than most of the shit they make today. And I'm with GR on this one... where there hell are Freakazoid and Animaniacs?! Is there no site on the web that will provide me with episodes from these shows?! Kazaa doesn't have any full episodes, though it does have a handful of shorts. (Like Yakko's World.) So, until WB wises up and releases these shows on DVD, these great shows will remain but a memory.
Welcome to the land that's way under, down under. The sky's always yellow in rain or shine.
No Taz-Mania either?! What's wrong with these people?!
No Taz-Mania, not even Tiny Toons! What is this world coming to? A guy can't even download some of the best early 90's cartoons!
Cartoons today just suck; they're all the same shitty animation, and the same mind-numbing concept. My friends, WE lived through the golden era of great cartoons...Gummie Bears, Duck Tales, Garfield, Ghostbusters, Camp Candy... oh man! I wish I were 3 again.
Indeed, some cartoons have horrid animation, but have you seen Samurai Jack? Just because it's not realistic or super detailed (as far as you can tell) doesn't mean it isn't COMPLETELY GREAT ART!

I mean, the style of it all! It just fits every single thing it touches so perfectly!

Did anyone see that one episode of it Saturday? You know the one, the best one they had, with the robot?

Robot Detective who's like totally awesome with stereotypical real folk blues music playing: It's raining... *saxomophone plays* I hate the rain. Gets me all... sentimental...
Samurai Jack is the best American non-superhero action cartoon since, well since... ever, I guess. And yeah the art is terrific.
I never thought the art was that bad. Art doesn't have to be realistic to be good. I don't really watch Samurai Jack, but I do like the art.

Still, I say Futurama should've won that emmy. Maybe then Fox would wise up and realize that they cancelled a goldmine!
Samurai Jack is hilariously awesome. He's one kick-arse super hero!

Geno, I was actually talking to Darunia, the person who DID say that.
You know DJ, you should really watch some of the movies that inspired Samurai Jack. You know, real Samurai movies.
Dark Jaguar Wrote:Samurai Jack is hilariously awesome. He's one kick-arse super hero!

Geno, I was actually talking to Darunia, the person who DID say that.

I didn't think you were talking to me, I just wanted to agree that SJ's animation was good in its own way.
i never really liked the look of samurai jack, or any cartoon that craig mccracken's had his hands in.
That's because you have crazy-goggles on. :p
Pfft. you only don't like it because you are some sort of crazy person with all the +5 crazy equipment! I NEED that equipment! GIVE IT TO ME!
Hey we almost said the same thing, and she can't even see my post! Amazing!
Craig McCraken > big guy

You do know that Samurai Jack was done by Gendy Tartakovsky and not Craig McCraken, right?
Well animation isn't anything; but I was referring to the nostalgia of those great classics more than their unsurpassed animation quality. You can't beat it. I mean, in 2014, people will be saying "oh man, I wished Family Guy, Sealab 2021, The Simpsons and Samurai Jack were all on...man, the 2000's were kapital (in 2010, "kapital" will be the word replacing "cool"...spelt with a 'k' because in 2006, "cool" will have been replaced by "kool" by the resurrected zombie Lenin.)
No you weren't.
Are you kidding me? The only high-quality cartoons I watched as a kid was the Warner Bros. stuff, and if the rest of the cartoons I watched weren't so painful to watch today I'd be more than just nostalgic about the 'toons I watched as a kid.
Old school Warner Bros. kicks ass. It just pisses me off that I can't find Animaniacs episodes anywhere... TV, DVD, or even Kazaa. It's like Warner Bros. is going to whatever lengths necessary to kill the legacy of possibly their greatest show. (Or what little legacy it has left, anyway.) First of all, Nickelodeon needs to lose rights to the show because they butchered it to death. (Shortened the theme song, edited the episodes, etc.) Second, it needs to be shown on a network that people can watch without paying. Third, and most importantly of all, every episode ever made of Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, Taz-Mania, Freakazoid, and Pinky & the Brain needs to be released on DVD in those season box sets that just about every other series that ever existed has already gotten.
Yes, they should be. All of those were great animated series that I'd love to see again, unfortunately, as you said, they aren't easy to find.
TV: Quick! What was the greatest series of the 1980's? That right, Who's The Boss, now on DVD! Now you can enjoy all the greatest moments you shared with Tony and the rest in one DVD collection! Order yours TODAY!

Me: ...What the heck?

Yes, bring all of them to DVD or something. I'm surprised what was just a part of Animaniacs became it's own series (Pinky and the Brain), but oh well, they were funny. Freakazoid is awesome by the way. I didn't see that until it got to Cartoon Network, but it had such characters to it... Taz-Mania is still my favorite. Just put all of them on DVD and that will be that. They don't even have to do commentaries! Just a menu that consists of Times New Roman font and a single screen shot from the worst scene of the worst episode as the background (copied onto all the DVDs that DON'T have that episode at that) will do just fine, so long as you can select each episode individually I honestly don't care about extra features.

Then there's He-Man... That show was just pathetic.... I'm not sure how your naustalgia twisted the show, but honestly the "new" he-man on Toonami a while back pretty much captured it perfectly. It was the primordial soup from which an endless number of stupid shows came forth back in the 1980's. Allow me to point this out. Almost each and every single character on that show had special features that didn't do jack to make them an interesting super hero, or even a good video game character, but rather was good only in terms of one thing, making a great toy. I mean, the guy with the spinning head with 3 faces, the guy with the extendo neck, the guy with the arm that could be replaced with weapons... None of that is in the least bit interesting from the point of view of a fun super hero to watch or read about, but is PERFECT if your only goal is to sell action figures.
The original Looney Tunes is still the best.
What about Merry Melodies? I seem to remember some of those old shows had that before it instead of Looney Toons.
The old Tom and Jerry cartoons are awesome too. I remember some of them have some really strange [but cool] music, which was just about all you heard other than a few sound effects.
Well of [/i]course[/i] you didn't like He-Man, DJ! It was a little boy's show!
The last time I saw anything Animaniacs-related was when Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theatre showed Wakko's Wish. That was a great farewell to a great series. I remember back in 1998, I was part of a petition to keep Animaniacs from being cancelled. Now, I don't even care if they make new episodes, I just want to have some way of accessing the episodes that they did make. Like DJ said, I don't care about special features on the DVD (they'd be nice, but hell, I just want the episodes in their original glory!) One of these days, I'm going to go through all these old tapes and watch the few episodes that I recorded.
For some reason I just didn't like Tom and Jerry... I always thought Tom deserved to eat that mouse... I mean, that mouse goes and steals his cheese and then plucks a wisker, he's frickin' asking for it!
Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies, I kind of think of them as the same thing...

Yeah, Tom and Jerry is great. So is Road Runner... the only problem with those is that they get repetitive, but still, they are great.
Road Runner IS Looney Toons you caraaaaaaazy!

And yeah, they are the same thing, but it's weird that they switched back and forth naming the things...

And what ever happened to Speedy Gonzales, fastest mouse in all of Mexico? I still watch Looney Toons on Cartoon Network, but for some reason that guy seems to have taken off. I mean, I wanna see that race between the road runner and that mouse again.
Racist towards Mexicans or something and Cartoon Network has never shown it... I've seen it before (on tape), and it was just as good as the rest of the Looney Tunes... I hope they show it sometime. It didn't really seem like it was racist... now if you want racist look at the World War II ones with the Japanese in them.
Or the germans. I remember Wolf Hitler, with Hitler the Wolf chasing down the three little pigs, and one of them was France or something. It was very political, and also there were tanks exploding in the wolf's face.

The thing is, that show exxagerates stereotypes of EVERYONE. They hate everyone EQUALLY!

You can be pretty sure if they were actually talking about actors I've heard of, maybe even ones alive today, they would not be spared the most extreme of charicatures. And oh yes, let's not forget EVERY white male is ALWAYS half the height of his wife and constantly getting beaten about the face and neck while saying "Yes dear".
Looney Tunes are cartoon icons. Speedy Gonzalez was always one of my favorites. I never thought he was racist. If anything, he made Looney Tunes more culturally diverse. I don't remember ever seeing a race between him and the Road Runner, but it sounds interesting.
Yeah, these faceless people announced a big race between them. So, obviously Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote decided to team up. ACME products of all manner ended up completely hurting them in many spectacular ways. It all ended with them both in some sort of two seated rocket sled, only the thing shot STRAIGHT up instead of going along the tracks and they both explode in fireworks just as both racers cross the finish line. And yes, it was a tie.
I liked the episode of Looney Toons where Wile E. Coyote was trying to capture Bugs Bunny. He eventually tried to use a gigantic magnet that ended up pulling everything made out of metal to it, like airplanes, boats, and satellites.
And then he ROLLED AROUND!


Looney Toons. Hilarious as a kid, seizure inducing as an adult. Seriously, the absurdity of it doesn't really sink in until you've been around enough to actually "get" the normal laws of physics.
My brother's 24 and he still loves it. He bought the DVD collection when it came out.
Quote:Or the germans. I remember Wolf Hitler, with Hitler the Wolf chasing down the three little pigs, and one of them was France or something. It was very political, and also there were tanks exploding in the wolf's face.

The thing is, that show exxagerates stereotypes of EVERYONE. They hate everyone EQUALLY!

Nope. I guess you need to watch more WWII Looney Tunes... it becomes quite clear. Germans are mocked. Hitler is a fool. They are evil yes, but in a silly way... with the Japanese it is quite different. They are made to look evil, conniving, sneaky... they aren't mocked, they are denigrated. It's to be expected, as nearly all Americans were racist to Asians back then, but it is most defintiely there and it is quite different from how they treat Nazis. Of course the Japanese were racist towards us at the same time, but still...

As for Speedy Gonzales, I don't really think that it's racist and it seems pretty foolish that it isn't on the air. You don't exactly hear much protest towards it from the Hispanic community...

Quote:Looney Toons. Hilarious as a kid, seizure inducing as an adult. Seriously, the absurdity of it doesn't really sink in until you've been around enough to actually "get" the normal laws of physics.

It's Looney Tunes physics! Nothing wrong with it... and quite consistent in most ways. :)
How exactly did you take my comment on it's hilariry to somehow mean I was saying there's something "wrong with it"? I love how the physics not only are totally messed up for us, but constantly remakes itself. That's what's funny! Tiny Toons went and tried to explain it, too bad there's just no rationalizing it :D.

And I guess I never saw those Looney Toons with the evil Japanese...
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