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My friend showed me the decapitation video of the prisoner Armstrong. That's the saddest thing I ever saw in my life. I cried right there. You can hear him screaming, as that MOTHERFUCKIN ARAB ISLAM BASTARD just saws away at his head. What the hell? My message to that murderer:
You know what? Fuck you coward. Show your face. I hate you. You make me hate all Muslims. Die! Go to Hell. Die some more. I want you tortured.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm just so FURIOUS right now.

There should be no more separation of "evil" Muslimss versus so called "nice" Muslims. I'm sick and tired of having to say "Oh I hate the Muslims, oops I mean the bad ones."

Fuck it! ALL Muslims are evil until they segregate themselves and the so-called "innocent Muslims" stop allowing the others to hide in their midst. Yeah sure they condemn it, but that doesn't do shit. I bet they really don't mind at all. I bet they all really don't like us. Some are just ass kissers.

All Muslims suck. And you know what, I don't care anymore. Our gayass politically correct leaders need to realize what the enemy is.

You know I used to be for the wat, but against the whole "Let's just nuke 'em." But as of today, I'm now for the nukes.
Yes, extremist, fundamentalist terrorist Muslims are all Muslims. Just like KKK members are the only kind of Christians.


I give up with you guys.
Well one thing i forgot to mention:

muslim guy: Islam is a religion of peace

*somehow that's spread across media, everyone believes that, and the terrorists are only radicals*

actually i read some of the qu'ran in which mohammed kills all these ppl in the name of Allah, and praises and encourages the beheadings of those you aren't Muslim. I never knew that. in my gay 6th grade and 10t grade history classes all we learned was the 5 pillars and "mosque."
Now that Im in college, the liberal center for learning, i'm sure the Religions class that i was going to take would've only said the "good" things too.

But after reading parts of the qu'ran, I honestly think it really is a religion of killing and that the whole "peace" thing is just a cover up.
Read it yourselves!
Oh and then when you start proving them wrong when they talk about the "religion of peace," then they start to use that gay line, "uhh...terrorists have hijacked the religion of peace, yeah that's right."

you know if they REALLY condemn terrorism (even though condemning accomplishes nothing), and especially concerning our liberal media that favors everything but white christians, than you'd think you'd definitely see all these newscasts and interviews w/"nice muslims" saying how the terrorists aren't true believers. But you dont even see that.
from faithfreedom (No it's not a Christian site, so STFU liberal and heathen fucks!) (It's a " 'truth about islam' from real ex-muslims" site)

"Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.

The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked "the religion of peace" and Islam does not condone violence.

Who is right? Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them? The answer to this question is the key to our victory, and failure to find that key will result in our loss and death will be upon us. The key is in the Quran and the history of Islam.

Those of us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They are doing nothing that their prophet did not do and did not encourage his followers to do. Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead "to delight the hearts of the believers" were all practiced by Muhammad, were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history.

If truth has ever mattered, it matters most now! This is the time that we have to call a spade a spade. This is the time that we have to find the root of the problem and eradicate it. The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam. The proof of that is the Quran."
WHAT <Img src="http://www.sighost.us/members/jay803/emotatari.gif">

<img src="http://www.sighost.us/members/jay803/whatcat2.jpg">
I knew that as soon as I say Nick's headline, OB1 or someone would be all over him for it. I feel that way too sometimes, Nick---but despite my warlike Goron heritage, one must exercise restraint. It's a security issue; why the fuck aren't these people GUARDED!
Have I mentioned lately that you're an idiot, nickdaddyg?
Quote:you know if they REALLY condemn terrorism (even though condemning accomplishes nothing), and especially concerning our liberal media that favors everything but white christians, than you'd think you'd definitely see all these newscasts and interviews w/"nice muslims" saying how the terrorists aren't true believers. But you dont even see that.

Trust me, other white Christians feel your pain. http://www.kkk.bz/index1.htm
Well, I wouldn't say that OB1 was "all over" nick about his statement but...I think nickdaddy is letting his emotions take over his feelings and is a tad unstable right now. I've not seen any such videos (nor have I any interest in seeing a man be murdered before my eyes), but I would imagine I would be in a similar mood after seeing it. Why did you even watch something like that?

I understand you're feelings, nick. The terrorists decapitating hostages, killing innocent people, and other such atrocities are evil. They are terrible, despicable people who truly do not deserve to live. However, to label an entire religion or nation as evil and kill them all because of a few bad apples is not the right thing to do.

It's happened before. Perhaps you've heard of The Holocaust?

We need to do away with the terrorist extremists, but that doesn't mean we need to obliterate the entire Muslim religion. I understand that you're a bit shaken by what you've seen, but once your head is clear again, my words will make more sense. I know they will.
Everyone there, civilian or military, should pack an Uzi.
EdenMaster Wrote:It's happened before. Perhaps you've heard of The Holocaust?
But Nick likes Nazi's remember. Probably cause they're white and christian just like him.
Irregerdless, I know that not even nickdaddy can even begin to in any way justify the Holocaust. No sane person could ever do that. He's smarter than that.

Darunia Wrote:Everyone there, civilian or military, should pack an Uzi.

Yeah, that would really cut down on violence...just give everyone a sub-machine gun.

It's a well known fact that a small town in Texas has no gun laws, almost everyone (15 and up) packs a handgun in a holdster or harness. While shopping, at the park, you name it, and they have a zero crime rate.

As for Muslims, it's no news that the entire religion is trouble. It's been trouble since its creation. So has Christianity, Judiasm, Catholosism, Buddhism, etc. More people have died and killed in the name of their God than every war, battle, famine, natural disaster and disease combined. So the ultimate answer is fuck religion. Or at least take it in moderation. Religion is, after all, only a tool to help the people who need it. Everything else is made up, false bullshit constructed to create fear, panic and for the religious leaders to gain wealth and power among their followers.

The entire story of Jesus is about a man who went around causing trouble, stirring shit up to create panic and raise superstition. Denouncing EVERYONE who didn't follow HIS ideas. The very meaning of christianity is to learn about the ideal of a man who didn't like his environment and his society so he obliterated it and got his revenge on a society that HE pissed off in the first place. Love your enemy. Yeah, unless they dont love your God. And all religions are this way. Why dont we castrate every priest because of the few hundred cases of pedophilia? or make it so any exchange of money in a church or temple is illegal by law of the united states? And then we can color our asses red and grow huge moustaches and start killing our own people because we'd be the most powerful communist country in history.

The words "buyer beware" should be applied to every aspect of societal lifestyles; Everyone's a God damn fruit cake and has his/her own way of seeing things. They will eventually get a boot up their ass by their own actions and will suffer their ideals. The middle east IS suffering, they have NOTHING except oil and religion. If they didn't have oil, that entire area of the world would be considered on the same level as tribes in Africa. In other words: Fun to watch on the discovery channel but otherwise no one gives a shit about them.

I will not give a single shit to any organized religous group that takes the lives of human beings (about every religion imaginable), no matter the cause. But you have to realize that we're not dealing with a religous group; we're seeing the backlash of a few hundred bad apples. A concentrated group of paganistic, self-preserving dickheads who will eventually fall off the face of the earth until the next nut-job rears his phalic-shaped head and spoils it for the rest of humanity. And there will be Nickdaddyg yelling "KILL THEM! KILL THEM! They dont follow my principals!" Just like Jesus taught him to do. I guess it's fighting fire with fire... which never made any sense to me, I mean... if you put fire on top of fire... you just get a bigger ball of fire.

But yeah Muslims are whacky little people with an oddball, silly religion based on penis size and 70 virgins. Who gives a fuck, just wipe out the cock suckers that go around killing for fun and we'll all cope with one another. End of story.
Islam has many sects just like Judeoism and Christianity , One small but twisted sect holds a grudge for every bad thing commited now and thousand years ago by the west,Terrorists are a part of this group as are many middle east leaders, They are human beings they are just as susceptable to the dark inclinations as us.

The people of afghanistan experienced the insane faucist like Islam I dont think the afghan people are our enemy they are just as much a victim as we are with the terrorist.

I would probaily feel the same way as nick but I have met some nice people who were muslims that were very generous and hospitable to me in way that was extrodinary , My barber is a nice man,Some african muslims I hanged around with were very nice people we played Draken on the PS2 , they kept asking if I wanted this or that even willing to give up their seat for me just to make me comfortable.

Does that mean I think Islam is saintly? NO! Muhhamud was not only a false christ but a anti christ as well.Weither he started off good or not doesnt matter he went bad even turned into a meglomanic.

We would have been better off to have just left them alone a long time ago and never botherd with each other, Isreal has alot to do with the shit happening now ,Its creation was a mistake why pick a fight with a swarm of angry hornets!

We should defend ourselves from this kind of hostility but not commit nazi genocide , But we cannot give into hatred, Eye for an eye leaves the hole world blind.
*Adds nickdaddy to his list of people to launch into the sun when he is emperor of earth*
alien space marine Wrote:Does that mean I think Islam is saintly? NO! Muhhamud was not only a false christ but a anti christ as well.Weither he started off good or not doesnt matter he went bad even turned into a meglomanic.
Muhamud was a prophet, he never claimed to be christ. And why is it so hard to belive that there could have been another prophet after the old testament ones. Did Jesus ever say somthing like, after my story the bible will stay the same forever, I can't seem to recall him saying somthing like that. So it is at least possible that Muhamud was a prophet and what he was saying was true.
EM, you dingbat, are you saying that the foreign civilians in Iraq shouldn't be armed? They only people they'd put at danger would be potential kidnappers.
Darunia Wrote:EM, you dingbat, are you saying that the foreign civilians in Iraq shouldn't be armed? They only people they'd put at danger would be potential kidnappers.
I don't care if they're civilians, they are their for the money, wich is the same reason why Bush invaded.
They have just as much right to carry weapons in Iraq as Iraqi's do to carry them in the US.
Dark Lord Neo Wrote:I don't care if they're civilians, they are their for the money, wich is the same reason why Bush invaded.
They have just as much right to carry weapons in Iraq as Iraqi's do to carry them in the US.

I can't believe there are people out there who still believe we invaded Iraq for financial gain. There is nothing at all to merit this suggestion.
Just read, Iran has now tested and given to its armed forces, missiles capable of hitting Israel and US forces in the Mideast. Iran says something like they want them for regional nonregional "threats."
Israel has bought 5000 smart bombs from us, but I don't blame them.

MY SAY: Let's go after Iran now! CHARGE!
Ryan Wrote:I can't believe there are people out there who still believe we invaded Iraq for financial gain. There is nothing at all to merit this suggestion.
Besides the fact that Bush, Cheny and pals made millions off of reconstruction contracts?
nickdaddyg Wrote:Just read, Iran has now tested and given to its armed forces, missiles capable of hitting Israel and US forces in the Mideast. Iran says something like they want them for regional nonregional "threats."
Israel has bought 5000 smart bombs from us, but I don't blame them.

MY SAY: Let's go after Iran now! CHARGE!
The US is capable of attacking any country in the world. I say we go after them first
Let's just drop some nukes on Iran and North Korea and call it a day.
What about India, oh wait, they're friendly toward the US, so we don't need to worry about their nuclear program.
Dark Lord Neo Wrote:What about India, oh wait, they're friendly toward the US, so we don't need to worry about their nuclear program.

North Korea: Led by a crazy, communist hippie who has tall hair and watches cartoons all day, finished 32 under par on an 18 hole golf course.

India: Don't really know who they're led by, but he's probably not as a crazy that guy Kim.
I'm just saying the whole world shouldn't revolve around who is and isn't freindly to the US

The whinings of a 2nd-rate country. :)
Quote:I'm just saying the whole world shouldn't revolve around who is and isn't freindly to the US

Except just about every other country in the world doesn't want North Korea or Iran to develop nukes either.
...and the US is the ONLY country will the gall to do anything about the bad guys. The rest of the world is obsessed with their pitty little internal problems that don't amount to a flaky little pile of dry, crusty donkey jizz; its America who watches out for everyone else.
Case in point: U.N. Oil For Food Scandal. Okay, so maybe Saddam and his cronnies made billions of dollars off of it, but I distinctly remember that there was this one Iraqi kid that got a piece of bread or something because of this plan!
<embed src="http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/howamerican_quiz.swf" width="550" height="400" quality="best" play="true">
Dark Lord Neo Wrote:I'm just saying the whole world shouldn't revolve around who is and isn't freindly to the US

Why not? Good things happen to countries that are friendly to us.
I've heard of this Oil-For-Food Scandal, someone tell me the details...
Dark Jaguar Wrote:Two instances of a flash on the same page is BAD!

I'm so seeing that movie. :far-out:
Yeah, I want to see that movie too. :)

Quote:I've heard of this Oil-For-Food Scandal, someone tell me the details...

The Oil-For-Food program was designed to allow Saddam to sell Iraqi oil and the money made from it would be used to by food, healthcare, ect. for the Iraqi people without Saddam every seeing a single red cent of it. But, Saddam was allowed to choose which companies he worked with and through various schemes was able to syphon billions of dollars from the program. He undercharged for oil so the oil companies wired money back to his bank accounts [Swiss bank accounts, of course] and overcharged for goods. Apparently the UN overseer of the program made some quick cash off of it too keep his mouth shut and let Saddam do he wanted, of course there's no "proof" that the guy did that. That's the short of it.
Why is proof in quotation marks? Something like that DOES need evidence after all.
I did it because it's that guy's job to keep things like that from happening and it's obvious he didn't try very hard, but no, there's no "hard" evidence that he did that.
My--that's disheartening.
Ryan Wrote:Why not? Good things happen to countries that are friendly to us.

You sound like a mafia boss. Real nice.
OB1 Wrote:You sound like a mafia boss. Real nice.

What'sa mattah you? We gonna go in theah and show dem camolies how it's done!
OB1 Wrote:You sound like a mafia boss. Real nice.

It's true regardless.

Nations that are friendly and work closely with America are advanced and generally wealthy.

Nations that don't are poor and destitute, places none of us would ever choose to live in.
Like West Virginia and Alabama
Or less importantly, Florida. :D
For all we know Osama Bin laden is building a giant death ray and turning the moon into a "deathstar"!Thats more then enough reason to prepare another voyage to the Moon to thwart his terrorist plot and blow more cash leaving the U.S starved for toilet papper for their bum holes!