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I just got a Gmail account Carrot
They don't appear to be adding ads into e-mails yet.
Yahoo is plenty good, I'll never need 100MB for email... :)

Yes, they increased it from around 3-5MB because of GMail. But the important thing is that they did it and now it's huge.
Yeah I really don't need any more space than what yahoo offers. Yet.

Sad how hotmail is still at the same size.
Seeing how I'm using 4% of that 100MB, I don't think I'll use it up anytime soon...
Hotmail has 2MB of space, not that it really matters to me since I rarely get any email that I care to read.
I'm already at 3% of Gmail's limit, but that's because I send and receive a lot of attachments for work.
To late to sign up?
alien space marine Wrote:To late to sign up?
You can't just sign up, you have to either get an invite from google, or from somone that google has allowed to send invites.
If some of you want a Gmail account let me know. I still have 2 invites that I haven't used. All I need is your email address.
100MB? Jesus criminy. Who could ever use, or need, that much space? Talk about overkill...

I'll take one, Derek :D

My IGN account has like 2 or 3 MB, it's not much... it's 78% and I don't get much of any mail there. It's nice to have a big mailbox so you don't worry about missing something if it happens to fill when you go away for a while or something. 100MB is overkill and GMail's 1GB is ridiculous, but it's nice security. Though 1GB is pretty stupid. I think they only chose it to be way more than the competition.

I know Google is super popular and all but... I like Yahoo more, sorry Google... :)
W00T! Thanks man, you rock!

DMiller, send that last one my way if you don't mind. I'd like to try this.

Wow, yahoo DID up the space to 100MB! Great, now I can send and recieve some real world sized attachments. I didn't notice because I only check my mail once in like, a month. That's what happens when it's ALL spam almost each time I check!

Anyway, I sure hope GMail adds pop3 support, for FREE. Yahoo AND Hotmail both offered that a long time ago, but they dropped it in favor of spamming us. Don't get me wrong, I don't DEMAND it from them, but it would sure be nice.
100MB is far, far too much for me, especially since I delete every single one of my e-mails moments after I get them (the vast majority of them are from TC notifying me of a post in a thread that I'm subscribed in, and chain letters and 300+ page surveys from all the morons on my MSN list).
Honestly, I hate the whole idea of been e-mail alterted to posts in message boards. I mean, how useful could that possibly be? It was always an annoyance, and whenever a message board has that on by default, I immediatly find a way to turn it off. I've actually not joined some message boards because they have it on and it's impossible TO turn it off. That's why I went into this board's sign up default options and made all e-mail alerts like that disabled by default.
I'll turn them back on just to piss of DJ
If it werent for MB alerts I wouldnt have anything coming into my email adress :(
Yeah, MB alerts seem completely pointless...

Yeah, they are pointless, but if some people actually need them, they can always turn it on for their own personal settings.