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Full Version: If you could put your brain into a robot body, would you?
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Would you be able to chew nails and spit them out as bullets? Or have the strength of five gorillas?
I want to be as strong as five gorillas. I guess this is more of a debate on whether you want to be a robot, because the humans will only end up putting us in camps!
I want to convert my mind into pure data!

Bodies are for hookers and fat people!
I'm staying a human! All you losers can get sent off to the robot reservations and then frozen in carbonite!!

Quote:because the humans will only end up putting us in camps!

You think think we're gonna honor those bogus treaties? Not a chance!
He's right... They will SCREW us!
Id like to put a chimps brain into robot and see what happens.

As for my own, Hell no! I am sticking with gundams !
But your brain into a Gundam? I suppose you could do that, but it can only be 5 feet tall.
*wonders how many of the people in this thread actually watch Sealab 2021*
*flashes Sealab 2021 season 1 DVD before quickly returning it to it's place of sacred honor i.e. my DVD shelf*
I don't really think many movies are worth buying... I won't watch most movies more than once anyway, so why pay so much more than the cost of a rental?
Sealab 2021 isn't a movie, it's a tv series...
Same thing. Some places rent TV series DVDs too you know...
You're a doofus.

I wouldn't want to put my brain in a robot body because robots can't experience physical pleasure. I'd rather just get a Gundam, like whatshisface said. Just hop in with my human body and control a giant robot!
Quote:I wouldn't want to put my brain in a robot body because robots can't experience physical pleasure.

But what about Data [from Star Trek]? In particular First Contact.
Data doesn't even have a wang!
Actually, according to Data in First Contact he is "fully" funtional and even says he has had sex some time in the past, which makes you wonder with whom...
Wait, what? I don't remember that. When did he get a wang?
From the beginning, OB1... from the beginning. Or the third episode or so at least.
Quote:I don't remember that.

It's in the scene in First Contact where the Borg queen is trying to seduce him.
Oh yeah, I remember that part.

From the beginning, Brian? Why on earth did they give a robot a wang when at the time the technology that would enable him to feel didn't exist?
Quote:Why on earth did they give a robot a wang when at the time the technology that would enable him to feel didn't exist?

You really want to know the answer to that question?

If I had to guess though, I'd say it's because they wanted to make his a much like a human as possible.
Then how come he never used it with the ladies?

And how did it work? This doesn't make sense.
I was thinking of the very early first season episode 'The Naked Now'...
What happened in that ep?
Data? Oh right, Natasha...
Data was curious and his cat was going through heat.. no one knows, no one tells, even though warf was the one who came in through the act.. never mind.. go about your buissiness..

And uhh, robot would be cool, maybe just my conciousness into a robot body or some thing, but, gundams are so over rated, go armored core 100%
Pfft, Gundams are way cooler than lame-ass baby-girl Armored Core bots.
Or it was Natasha Yar under the effects of that Tsiolkovsky virus or however that's spelled...
Quote:Pfft, Gundams are way cooler than lame-ass baby-girl Armored Core bots.

Robotechnology totally owns those lame Gundams. :p
Robots AND Technology? WOW! Now THAT'S a wacky combination! Like, Police Cops!
That's what they called the stuff in Robotech.
I KNOW! I watched a lot of it when it was on Toonami a long time ago... But it IS a really stupid STUPID name :D.
Robotech is Gundam's dumber little cousin.
Of course Data has a wang. Though, it's probably some sort of mechanical instrument used to calibrate the warp core.

Wouldn't that be an interesting maintenance session?


Geordi: Data! What the hell are you doing!?
*Random Female Engineer (in a red shirt, of course) faints*
Is it just there for cosmetic reasons or does it actually work?
I bet they don't cover that in the Star Trek technical manuals...
You people just didn't even watch the first season of Next Generation did you?

It's a very disturbing scene from back when TNG was acting like Enterprise used to act... act...
Alright end of the gundam discussion, I would like to be in a Technoman suit, sorry, the thing survives a fussion bomb, it's designed to last, probobly has a good ol' Holden sticker under it's hood (Holden is aussie's General motors, sounds cooler too). Also the damn suit has a beam weapon that could blow a hole in the moon the size of hawaii, or how ever it's spelt ^_^

This all brings up a question, assuming data's wang is synthetic (probobly a possitronic wang) does that make it a dildo? if it does do you think data is like a females version of a blow up dole, only 24th century edition, imagine picard reading a data log from data's good creator and it turns out he was built arround a dildo, wait, what would 24th century dildo's be like? that would have to be one of the hardest thing for a science fiction movie to create..
Dark Jaguar Wrote:You people just didn't even watch the first season of Next Generation did you?

It's a very disturbing scene from back when TNG was acting like Enterprise used to act... act...

No I haven't seen all of season one. What exactly happened?