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The kind that is just sorta forced to accompany people and didn't really want to go there to begin with, but doesn't want to be bored. Personally, I don't find swimming that amusing, most of the time, unless the water is doing crazy things. Lemme tell you something. Lakes in Oklahoma are filthly stinking bilge holes. They get no fresh water aside from rain, and everyone throws their garbage in there. The water is BLACK, well close anyway. They are NOT meant for fishing, mush less swimming, certainly not drinking. Lemme tell you, if you see a dirty diaper floating on the water's surface, and multiple times, in a closed lake, time to find a new swimming hole. Still, sometimes I get dragged along with my family to these places. I'll tell you this, there have been a few times where, upon returning, the entire group that went, excepting me, got horribly sick. Now of course that alone doesn't PROVE it's unhealthy, but I have enough evidence of how a closed system holding human waste can make someone sick that I'm fairly certain that's the case.
... I play Game Boy quite a bit when we go on beach vacations... which is every summer... :)

I don't hate beach (and I mean on the ocean, not lakes... we don't go to lakes for vacation) vacations, but you can only be in the water for so long (even taking it for granted that you went somewhere with relatively warm water)... and I don't love swimming. Being in the water is dull unless other people are there too do do things with (our yearly vacations are always with some relatives, but even so...). I don't love swimming. And really, you don't SWIM much in the ocean. You stand in the water and stuff, but don't swim that much unless there are no waves, I'd say.

As for lakes, I got sick once after swimming in a lake in Europe in our trip when I was eight. And I haven't swam in a lake since, I believe. :D

And I mention camping because we also do that with relative frequency. Maybe other people here don't, but we have and you sometimes don't have any power around except the car... tent camping. Not a trailer.

A car adapter would be an absolute necessity for vacations, for sure, for anything that drained batteries fast or didn't use normal batteries. I know that my Game Boy was always a great thing to have on the vacations we took after I got it... got a lot of playtime out of car trips and stuff on them...
I can't imagine a trip lasting more than the battery life on a fully charged GBA SP. I played mine through most of the plane trip to and back from Las Vegas, and a bit at nighttime before bed, and I never even got to the red light. You must really play it a lot.
Well, what if it's a weeklong vacation and you're camping? You'll only have power if you have a car adaptor...

Or how about several weeks camping most nights? We did that once, in our trip out west... didn't have a GB yet though. But I know that for whenever mom hears the Kirby Pinball music she thinks of our Virginia trip. :D

Yes, it lasts long enough that most of the time it won't run out before you get to a place where you can charge it. But in some special circumstances I see a definite advantage for batteries. It'd be nice to have the choice of either... or both... :)

Oh yeah, and what about other parts of the world? I'd need to get a European AC adaptor if I go to Europe!
DJ, I feel sorry for you.

Personally, I don't g o to the beach unless I want to, so the idea of bringing a GameBoy there just comes across as unsociable, and a waste of going to said beach.

I'm sorry your family tortures you so. :(

I never play my portables when I go on vacations because I go on vacation to do things other than what I would normally do at home. I go with friends, family or anyone else who I might actually hold a conversation with. Car trips for me are rarely long enough, nor disinteresting enough to warrent bringing something I can do at any other time I chose.

Plus I hate trying to play games, read books, watch movies, etc. etc. while people are talking/interrupting me! :screwy:
Interesting, but then again when you go to the beach don't you have to deal with rabid shark and koala attacks, and then some really cool though insane fellow suddenly shows up and tackles them out of nowhere?

You, you ARE the person from Australia right?
I remember the first time I went to the beach and got attacked by a raving Koala in heat trying to defend it's freak of nature chidlren after mating with a platypus the year before... and my first time was with a chick, she was pretty awesome albeit insane, but she sure knew how to wrestle wildlife.

There are some huge misconceptions about australia, the biggest one I can think of is that every one has a kangaroo as a pet, this isn't true, I myself have two dogs and alot of people living in near the cities don't have the room so they get cats or dogs, so we aren't that different to america in that respect, although it's a well known fact that Kangaroo's do make better pets then cats or dogs, but I'm just biased because I'm aussie.
Yes, yes he is. :)
Biggest misconception? I'd say a huge misconception is that we actually THINK something like that. I'll let you in on something, we know! We all KNOW you don't have kangaroos and crocs and koalas as pets! But that doesn't mean we aren't going to totally make you think we DO think that :D. Ya know, generally any country you go to has NO idea what other countries REALLY make fun of it for. You know England? They think Americans don't like them because the English are too crude! Idiots! We make fun of them for being PRUDES! The opposite! Watch any english stereotype on American TV! They aren't the fat people drinking and shouting "woo". They are the cruller eating pipe smoking proper gentlemen with the upstanding high class accent that english people have struggling to be as "down" as we are.

Likewise, we like making fun of Aussies for their wildlife not because we actually think they are like that, but because we know Aussies get upset about it and that is highly amusing to us :D.
My uncle has a kangaroo.. He actually has two.
And he drinks beer all day, he is to me the typical aussie.

Until he goes on his computer, then he becomes a killer at first person shooters..

Also a typical aussie thing.
Quote:I don't hate beach (and I mean on the ocean, not lakes... we don't go to lakes for vacation) vacations, but you can only be in the water for so long (even taking it for granted that you went somewhere with relatively warm water)... and I don't love swimming. Being in the water is dull unless other people are there too do do things with (our yearly vacations are always with some relatives, but even so...). I don't love swimming. And really, you don't SWIM much in the ocean. You stand in the water and stuff, but don't swim that much unless there are no waves, I'd say.

I went to the beach before [Hunting Island, South Caronlina] and we stayed at my relatives' house. With electricity. And electrical sockets. For charging batteries. Anyway, I really loved playing around on the beach and floating around in the ocean while I got tossed around by the waves. It's probably because it was the first time I'd ever been to the ocean and because the biggest body of water you see in southern Oklahoma is a really shallow river and sometimes a lake.
Private Hudson Wrote:What kind of idiot goes to the beach just to play videogames?

Hahaha, best post ever. My thoughts exactly. ABF's argument is that with rechargeable batteries it's difficult to play a GBA for hours on end while at the beach or camping in the mountains. What a tool.
*pictures ABF in a tent out in the woods while it's pouring down rain cursing his SP's rechargable battery*
Or most likely when it's even nice and sunny outside.
Didn't ABF say that he hates to do anything outside?
What IS there to do out there anyway? I've never really got the point of camping. There's just nothing out there except the heat. I guess some people like it, but I don't. If the outdoors was covered and had air conditioning, and had computers all over it, then I'd be more likely to go out there. As it is, I don't like getting sunburned.
People do it to get in touch with nature...something like that. If I want to get in touch with nature I'll walk down a hiking trail and then after that I'll go inside a nice, cool hotel room and rest for a while.
Exactly, besides I get all the nature I need tweaking with my computer. If you think there's a contradiction there, you just aren't thinking hard enough.
Quote:*pictures ABF in a tent out in the woods while it's pouring down rain cursing his SP's rechargable battery*

Being in a tent in a rainstorm is quite unpleasant... :)

Quote:I went to the beach before [Hunting Island, South Caronlina] and we stayed at my relatives' house. With electricity. And electrical sockets. For charging batteries. Anyway, I really loved playing around on the beach and floating around in the ocean while I got tossed around by the waves. It's probably because it was the first time I'd ever been to the ocean and because the biggest body of water you see in southern Oklahoma is a really shallow river and sometimes a lake.

Our family has had a yearly summer beach vacation almost every year since my mom was little... it always used to be to Cape Cod, but about five years ago we switched to Chincoteague, Virginia. I loved Cape Cod... it was our family, the families of both of my moms' siblings, and my grandparents. And some other relatives visited. Two weeks each summer. :) Being in the ocean is fun when I have someone to play in the water with... generally my little cousin. So I don't hate beaches. But I still like to play gameboy on them sometimes. I know that in our week of beach vacation this year I got quite a bit of playtime... had to change the batteries. :)

Reading books is another great thing to do on the beach.

Outside... sure, I don't do anything outside on my own volition, and I do not exactly do much outside. But I obviously do some... for instance, at school it's like a 10-15 minuite walk to class... that fact meant a lot more walking than I used to do, so instead of (like is typical) gaining 15 pounds in my first year of college, I lost 15 pounds. :) Anyway, our family has often done things outside. Camping? Not every year, but frequently. We camped a lot in several of our vacations over the years and for some years we spent Labor Day weekend camping with our relatives...

I also do like to cross-country ski. We generally have a ski weekend vacation sometime in February or March... I just do cross country. Never been downhill skiing.

Hiking... once in a while. Not long distance or anything, but it can be nice once in a while... as long as it isn't too hot. Same with biking. I wouldn't want to do it when it's in the mid 80s out! When it's that hot I want to be inside with the fan on. :) Hiking is best in fall, really. Though summer can be cool too plenty of the time... not now, though. For Maine mid 80s with a lot of humidity is defintely not normal... luckily...
Good grief, you guys are the reasons why gamers are made fun of so much. Hate the indoors, spend most of your time in front of a computer, probably smell real bad...
If you're here, you don't have that much of a leg to stand on... :)
Hey I'm a total dork, but I don't spend most of my free time inside in front of a monitor. Outside really does live up to the hype, believe it or not. :p
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