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Quote:GameSpy: What is going on with Mario 128?

Miyamoto: It's moving along secretly like a submarine under the water. When developing, we often look at the different hardware and run different experiments on it and try out different ideas. There have been a number of different experiment ideas that we have been running on the GameCube. There are some that we have run on DS, and there are other ideas, too.

At this point I just don't know if we will see that game on one system or another. It is still hard for me to make that decision. I am the only director on that game right now. I have the programmers making different experiments, and when I see the results, we will make the final decision.


From this nice interview... read the rest. :)
So Mario 128 might not come out for years and possibly on the DS?
Fucking hell...
I'm not too surprised. We hadn't heard a thing and Miyamoto has so many other games he's working on too... still, after this long I'd think they'd be a bit farther than this. Oh well.
Earlier this year in an interview with EGM Miyamoto said that he'd be dissapointed with himself if he had nothing to show of Mario 128 at this year's E3. How could he go from that to "we don't even know what kind of a game it's going to be"???
He really likes the DS and is rethinking the whole thing? That's my best guess...
That still makes zero sense. Miyamoto never makes sense if you follow his interviews.
Hard to translate what he's saying, or just bad translators?
He may have decided that he wanted to do something different for it or he wanted to save it for the Nintendo Revolution.
I think it's that he isn't one to stick with some idea that isn't working just because he said he was gonna announce it. He tries an idea, and if it works, then he plays with it some more, and keeps tinkering with it and sees if anything comes together. If not, he'll go back and make some changes and see what that brings about, regardless of development time or release dates or all that other stuff. You can never truly anticipate everything that is going to happen in the development cycle, and talented people will be able to change plans on the fly to improve the final product. Even if it means we don't see the game for a while.
Indeed, of course there's GOOD changing at the last minute, and BAD changing at the last minute: see developers who made a great movie based game, some guy for the movie company plays it for 5 minutes and doesn't like something, and the developers have to totally remake the game in 3 months into yet another terrible movie to game translation.
Is that based on something, DJ?

Oh, and remaking the game is okay, but you do have to release SOMETHING... :)

For an example of a company that seems to have gone way off the deep end on this case, see Apogee and Duke Nukem Forever. :D
A developer who wrote into PA said that, ABF. :)
Hehehe. Duke Nukem Forever. Yeah, I forgot about that. Hahaha.
It'll be out when it's done!

... did you know it was on the cover of the November 1997 PC Gamer? One of 1998's best looking games!
Some books take like 20 years to write. This isn't exactly a compelling story though... All I have to say is if the game does take 20 years, then it BETTER be some pinnicle of gameplay experience the likes of which a trilogy of 3 hour long movies is made about half a century later!
I'm not sure when they started Duke Nukem Forever... was it mid '96? Early '97? Somewhere around there I think... anyway, that's 7 or 8 years into development now, at least. With no end in sight, really... 3D Realms has no timetable since they are self-funding the game (yes, they do have income -- think all those console Duke Nukem games (not developed by them, but they make money from it...), and the Max Payne titles (that they didn't make, but they helped that developer make)...) so their publisher has no leverage over them and can't make them keep a schedule...

And the result is this. A game which has become a joke... not in a Daikatana way, but in a 'does it actually exist' way. And it's anyone's guess how good it'll be once it finally DOES come out... games that are long-delayed often fail to keep up with the ever-changing competition.
If when DNF ever does finally come out it better be the best damn FPS ever or it's gonna get torn a new asshole. But I digress, I want Mario fucking 128 now and on GameCube!
Same here!!!
There was a rumor that DNF was delayed to 2005. It's false -- there hasn't been a release date on the game in a long time. :) But recently there was a incident about them denying an article to a magazine about the game... they do it all the time, but this got raised as an issue again. 3DRealms said that they'd rather not give out much info about the game until the light is actually visible at the end of the tunnel... of course they've been saying that for years now... but I don't know what is worse, a total lockdown on info like we have here (for years), or continually giving out info but never actually releasing the game...