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Full Version: E3: Geist
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According to some sources Geist, along with Starfox, are 100% done. Don't know if I believe that though. Can't wait to see how it looks now.

[Image: Picture_32.jpg]
Geist is a game I've been looking forward to for some time.
Yeah, I hope it turns out well.
Screens and movies are up! The screens look really bad but the direct-feed video looks really good. See for yourselves.
The movies look okay. Like a normal FPS with posession... I still think 'Messiah' in concept. Though I never played Messiah so I don't know how they compare. :)
Compared with the screens the movie looks incredible.
How so?
Just look at the screens, everything's horribly aliased.
Where are the pics!
The trailers for this game make it look awesome... possessing enemies, eh? Should make for an interesting story mode and deathmatch. I can't wait to actually play it...
Yeah, the videos actually look pretty good. Not Halo 2 good, but better than most console FPS's out there.
You can even possess lower-life forms like dogs and mice!
I hope they fix the AI and controls though... that's been the biggest complain so far. Knowing Nintendo, however, I'm sure it'll ne fixed.
They need to fix the HUD too, it looks really cluttered.
And add more cheetos.
You can NEVER have too many cheetos.
i'm gonna go eat some cheetos
I wish I had some cheetos :(
Doritos are better!! *Runs like Hell*
*beats up UMM*
Doritos are the best kind of chips, by far. Nacho Cheesier, to be specific... Cheetos don't even begin to compare. :)

As for the game, I don't care much. Looks like another FPS. Whoopie.
Yes doritos are the best. Chock full o' MSG, the tastiest seasoning in the world!
No way. Pringles are the greatest chips in the world.
Potato chips are somewhat overrated.
*Throws Spam at GR*
*Accidentally throws GR at Spam*


Quote:Potato chips are somewhat overrated.

No they're not! Potato chips rule!
Andy Capp Hot fries > potato chips, doritos, etc.
i had these turkey flavored potato chips from england (where they are referred to as "crisps"...as in "two pints of lager and a packet of crisps, please"). and they were the best chips, er, crisps, er, whatever in the world ever.

though i do love my flaming hot cheetos...oh baby.