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would you vote for him?If they lift the ban on foreigners being presidents.
If I could understand any of his campaign speeches, I might consider it. I'm still getting over the fact that he's the governer of Cah-lee-for-nee-ah!
Heck yeah, I'd vote for him!!
He'd just become a Christian so he could say he was "born again in the USA". Noting can stop him from becoming ze prezident of Amerika.
Go Arnold!
Ahnold for President.
I have issues with his occasional softness against liberalism, but still, it's almost impossible that he'd run against someone less liberal than himself, so yes, I would.
Sure, why not. More jokes from Conan! :D
The day that man becomes president is the day I put a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger 'till it goes click.
How you going to kill the President aiming the gun THAT way?
From what I heard of my relatives in california, all the californians like Arnold and they say he is doing a good job.

What makes Arnold conservative is that he isnt for Gay marriage though he doesnt want it baned either.
Sacred Jellybean Wrote:The day that man becomes president is the day I put a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger 'till it goes click.

Meaning that you wouldn't load it first because the idea of President Schwarzenegger appeals to you so much?

...Ahhnold for President? Gack...

... but at least he'd be more moderate than our current Republican president...
He has my vote.
I'll be able to vote next presidential election so, yes.
The scariest part about all of this is that in the crappy Sly Stallone movie "Demolition Man", Arnold became president of the United States. I nearly crapped my pants when he announced his running for governor of CA. Is this a sign that Demolition Man is actually going to happen? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Uh oh!!
Demolition Man was an awesome, AWESOME movie---one of my 50 favorites. How can you not like that movie!? Because it isn't animated and Japanese?
Yes. Yes, that is exactly right. It's because it's not animated or Japanese.
Also, in my opinion, that movie sucked beyond remorse. It's the kind of movie I'm talking about when I say I don't like action movies. I mean, it basically spoke to the 12 year old rebel who ACTUALLY thinks that society might end up like that. Plus, the main character was the same moronic "I don't care what you say, I'm going to kill that man and smoke and be an all around jerk, minus any sort of emotional depth or development that keeps Metal Gear's story interesting.
I liked it.
Thank you, Great Rumbler. You must forgive those castrated opera-singing ninnies...they like their action to come from Oprah. By saying "I mean, it basically spoke to the 12 year old rebel who ACTUALLY thinks that society might end up like that. ", he's trying to prove how superior he is to the average guy who likes a good action flick. This one has the cute Sandra Bullock; and lots of great laughs (three seashells), but it's below them...because only 12-year olds liked it. In other words, good, funny action movies are for brute morons, and anime is for the cream of the nerd society.
Hey don't put me in the same category as DJ, as I am definitely nowhere near as sanctimonious as she is when it comes to the topic of action movies. I like plenty of mindless action movies in the same way that I like roller coasters--for quick, simple entertainment. I just didn't like Demolition Man very much.
I thought Last Action Hero was a pretty cool movie.
I haven't seen many Arnold movies, actually... not any Terminators, or anything else I can think of offhand except that christmas one...
Jingle All the Way.
Yeah, that movie was almost as great as Junior.

<img src="http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/0101/02/NYHETER-02s10JUNIOR.jpg" alt="I AM ZEE PREGNANT!!!">
He's going to have a cameo appearance in Around the World in 80 Days.

Also, I'd vote for him simply because I want to see what his body guards would look like.

You've never seen the Big Lebowski?
Those are lower case L's at the end of his name, not I's.

When did we say that?
[Image: the_govenator.jpg]
Hahaha!! :D
Neither of you said it, but it was implied when neither of you picked up on my allusion to the movie.

Jesus: "...I'll take that shit away from you, put it up your ass, and pull the fucking trigger 'till it goes click..."
Dude: "Jesus..."
Jesus: "That's right. Nobody fucks with the Jesus."
But if it goes click doesn't that mean it's empty?
Not necessarily. The hammer hitting the back end of the bullet could make a click that inevitably gets drowned out by the subsequent BANG of the bullet exitting the pistol's barrell.
Or maybe it's like he's going to keep shooting until there aren't any more bullets left.