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I thought some of you would really appreciate this <a href="http://www.roadsquadron.com/">site</a>, if you haven't seen it already. As the name implies, it's a site for people who have modified their cars to look like Star Wars ships.

<img src="http://www.roadsquadron.com/Cars/Hwing/xwing01.jpg">
<img src="http://www.roadsquadron.com/Cars/Hwing/R2day.jpg">
<img src="http://www.roadsquadron.com/Cars/Hwing/xwing15.jpg">
There are a lot more pictures and a few other cars as well, but I thought these were pretty amazing.
Some of them are just ugly cars:
[Image: starboard.JPG]

That being said, I could probably think of 88 better things to do with a car then Star Wars-ize it.
That's pretty cool...
Quote:That being said, I could probably think of 88 better things to do with a car then Star Wars-ize it.

I certaintly can't think of any...
No, neither can I.
Sorry, those just look ugly to me. Before the pics loaded (net's been slow today..., slow yesterday, slow today too *plays banjo*), I had thought they would actually look like ships, and I thought "cool!". Turns out they just slapped some logos and half of R2D2 on them...
While the second one if kind of iffy, the first looks very awesome.
Yeesh, I wouldn't be caught dead driving a car suped up to look like a Star Wars ship. :S

I love Star Wars, but it ends at the movies and videogames.
Quote:Yeesh, I wouldn't be caught dead driving a car suped up to look like a Star Wars ship.

I would totally drive that first car AND I'd do it proudly.
Actually the first car isn't bad...except I'd get rid of the license plate.
Oh wait! The first car is the only car there! NO, I wouldn't drive R2 and that Star Wars plastic littering my car.

But just that dealie on the front wouldn't look horrible.
You're crazy that car looks AWESOME I tell you!
Wow, thos cars kick ass. Well the first two anyhow.

I know this kid who's making two different KITTs and they look amazing.
[Image: penis%20art%20car.JPG]
I always thought it would be cool to completely cover a car in duct tape...
Now THAT would be awesome! I guess I don't know what ships those are supposed to look like, because the first one just looks like a car with a rusty red hood with a rebel symbol on it. Before you berate me (and trust me when I say this, the berating about not knowing something about some nerd thing is the MAIN reason popular people hate nerds, heck I being a huge nerd also hate that whole thing), keep in mind it's a stroke of luck that I even knew what that symbol was for.

Also, I would love the Pikachu bug :D.

However, the one car I'd love is a bipedal walking tank with a nuclear rail gun with sea capabilities.