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...and why not? Holland & New Zealand think so. What's so evil about having sex for money? After all, you can give it away for free and that's legal? Discuss.
Because the idea is that women aren't sexual objects.

Morality is tanking enough as it is in America, we don't need to legitimize yet more depravity.
I see. Take away freedoms, expression and moneymaking at the expense of "morality".
Fittisize Wrote:I see. Take away freedoms, expression and moneymaking at the expense of "morality".
Gee, you're right. While we're at it, let's legalize public masturbation, necrophilia and dog fucking in the name of freedom and expression.
I don't know about you, but my final wish is for you all to use my corpse for a sled, AND NOTHING ELSE. Well, maybe creating an army of genetically superior super soldiers from my soldier genes...
Even freedom has its limits.
Because the idea is that women aren't sexual objects.

Isn't that more their decision---if a woman wants to be a whore, who are YOU to say she can't? She isn't a sexual object, but she's a material posession---to be bossed around. I say women should be able to prostitute--with legal restrictions; i.e. STD screenings, or something to that extent.

Morality is tanking enough as it is in America, we don't need to legitimize yet more depravity.

Freedoms are tanking worse than morality.

Gee, you're right. While we're at it, let's legalize public masturbation, necrophilia and dog fucking in the name of freedom and expression.

Public masturbation as in...what Pee Wee Herman did? You're being immature now--people can consent to being a hookers, and people can consent to having sex with hookers. It should be there choice--the government shouldn't intefere with it. Necrophilia is different, because the person cannot consent. Dog fucking is the same.
Darunia Wrote:Isn't that more their decision---if a woman wants to be a whore, who are YOU to say she can't? She isn't a sexual object, but she's a material posession---to be bossed around. I say women should be able to prostitute--with legal restrictions; i.e. STD screenings, or something to that extent.

Well, I guess the idea would be that it would be better for women who would not be under the control of sadistic pimps, but the idea still rubs me the wrong way. Prostitution is the sort of thing that should be phased out of society, not given a kiss and a blessing.

Quote: Freedoms are tanking worse than morality.

I disagree. Strenuously. People use the word 'freedom' to justify doing whatever they damn well please. It doesn't quite work that way. Freedom has it's limits, and it should. Sacrificing morality for the sake of 'freedom' is a good chunk of the reason society is so fucked up today.
Quote:Public masturbation as in...what Pee Wee Herman did? You're being immature now--people can consent to being a hookers, and people can consent to having sex with hookers. It should be there choice--the government shouldn't intefere with it. Necrophilia is different, because the person cannot consent. Dog fucking is the same.

No, I'm not being immature at all. After all, in the name of freedom, don't I have a right to masturbate in public? Or even on my front lawn, my own private property? Or necrophilia? No, the person can't consent, but they're not being hurt either, cause they're dead. And dogs are animals, thus do not have rights. Hell, we force animals to do a million other things without their consent.

None of those activities hurt anyone, yet they are not allowed. Why is that? Because they are immoral and disgusting and things normal human beings simply do not do. When you start allowing smaller forms of immorality in the name of harmless fun and freedom, you have to allow the larger forms to as well, for they make the same claims with the same level of validity. To not do so would be hypocrisy.
But uh, sex between a man and a woman isn't immoral or disgusting. Even if it's paid for.
But you're wrong Fittisize. Having sex is (hopefully) an act of love and procreation. Paying a woman to have sex with you is incredibly immoral and just wrong. If it's not that disgusting, would you do it? Even more, would you ADMIT to it? Of course not. The entire idea is so disgusting and immoral that it should be outlawed.

Darunia, if you want to be able to pick up prostitutes legally (which is obviously your subconcious reason for creating this thread) then move to Las Vegas. Prostitution is legal there, I believe.
Yeah. And what happens in Vegas, <i>stays</i> in Vegas. :D
I don't think it should be legal. Oh, there are a few good side affects of legalizing -- such as regulating it so that the women have a better chance of staying STD free, reducing crime, etc... but (like with drugs) I'd say that the bad effect of legalizing it is worse.

That said, countries like Holland and Denmark with legal prostitution/pornography seem to be mostly doing okay... but still I would not support legalizing it.
The only reason you would think its not Imoral is because your interested in doing it yourself.If you were a dog fucker you probaily wouldnt think there was anything wrong with it.

The of the women who do it is out of desperation , They have no education , They have no skills , So they sell the only thing they have.So I will call it self enslavement,Just the same as Hard drugs .It has a disruptive effect on society and we would be better riding of it.

I have met a actual prostitute, She had 9 kids with nine different men,I think those kids are living a pretty screwed up life,The Mother is to busy hooking to raise them.

1. One its a good way too get HIV or some other STD.

2. It Can damage your family your relationships and get you into deeper worse things.
ABF and I are on the same side of a debate (though probably not for the same reasons). Be still, my beating heart.
Darunia, if you want to be able to pick up prostitutes legally (which is obviously your subconcious reason for creating this thread) then move to Las Vegas. Prostitution is legal there, I believe.

Your insulting cus---no, I am not interesting in ever having sex with a prostitute. Nor am I personally interested in commiting suicide, but I support that as well. I think women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies (up to killing their own unborn children). The government shouldn't dictate such petty morality---it should stop after it illegalizes murder, stealing, rape, etc....and stop making up these dumb laws that benefit few and enrage many (no alcohol under 21, etc.)

The only reason you would think its not Imoral is because your interested in doing it yourself.

Yes--that's right, I want to be a man whore. I saw Deuce Bigelow and it touched my soul. I want to go stand on the corner of 6th and Main right now, wearing scanty pantyhose and makeup. You got it exactly right.

I don't buy the "you-want-to-legalize-so-you-want-to-do-it" idea. I'm all for drug legalization, yet I'm doubtless cleaner than most drug-law proponents.

Legalization would a) get the money out of the hands of pimps and crime lords, and into the hands of the women themselves and b) allow for better screening and regulation (for diseases like HIV). Plus, with prostitutes being able to create unions and set their own rules (mandatory condoms, for example), situations like the one you mention (nine kids and no way to care for them) could be avoided.

And EdenMaster, buddy, sex is whatever you want it to be. If you want it to be an act of love and procreation, knock yourself out- but if somebody else wants it to be an act of getting off for fifty bucks, you have no say in that.