Tendo City

Full Version: Woo! It's the Fight Thread!! [Now with 25% more Bo Jackson, Semnat, and Vitamin D]
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*punches ASM in the kidney*

Gotta start somewhere! *waits for things like destorying the universe, gigantic space battles, lasers, psychic attacks, ect. to start showing up*
*Summons Bo Jackson via great demigod Semnat who eats vitamin D and destroys the universe with a gigantic space laser battle and psychic powers, then says "ect".*
*Mobilizes full Goron conscription*
Too late, they don't exist any more...

GR: Yeah, way to go, destroying the universe like that...

DJ: Where are we anyway?

GR: I don't know! But I can tell you where we aren't... the universe!
*beats the living piss out of the beginniner of this thread, who concieved such a worthless, mundane, redundant form of entertainment and decided to disgrace the Multiconsole city with its repugnant stench*

This game is fun you guys!!

(nah, I kid) Carrot Banana
*punches SJ in the kidney*
*punches self in the groin*

*Goron 176th Light Foot Reigment marches onto Tendo City, demanding that the residents within surrender all of their cheesecake by midnight or else.*

*Odolwa descends around TC, and starts dancing in circle*
*Tendo City Artillery V Corps rains destruction upon Goron horde.*

*Tendo City Cow rests knowing that Tendo City Meat Processing Corporation will not require cattle slaughter for hamburger products for at least eighteen months*
Hey---Weltall, we have an alliance! What's up with this!?

*Goron reserves arrive; demand that Weltall change sides and surrender the Artillvery V Corps...as well as the city's supply of scrumptious cheescake.*
Ah. I knew it would eventually come to this, so I have invested in a highly destructive top secret weapon for just such an occasion. So without further adieu... attack, my precious flailing child of DOOM!

<img src="http://www.geocities.com/mrmoeo_sig/fatman.txt">


*sends in Vegito*

*fat kid flails EXACTLY like that, and mountains are carved into by flailing, FOR IT IS MANIFESTED WILL AND NOTHING CAN STOPIFY IT!* *Vegito totally dies*
Darunia Wrote:Hey---Weltall, we have an alliance! What's up with this!?

*Goron reserves arrive; demand that Weltall change sides and surrender the Artillvery V Corps...as well as the city's supply of scrumptious cheescake.*
Well, you're marching on my city! What gives?

Besides, you could have just asked for cheesecake. Tendo City is world-famous for it and we have more than we know what to do with.

Now, if you apologize, I will use DJ's Time-Space Universal Repair Kit and bring back the Goron armed forces from inside the Happy Meal boxes.
*fortifies region with 23rd-38th armored divisions and 17th-52nd heavy mech divisions*

*orders all Comanche squadrons to partol the border until further notice*
Quote:[Image: fatman.txt]

Does anyone else get this image when they see one of ASM's posts?
*Al Qaeda bombs a train in Goron City*

*Gorons lose their nerve and backbone; conveniently a week before national Goron Elections*

*Darunia's "War-Mongering" Party is swept out the Imperial House, replaced by the weak "Gay Liberal Party."*

*New Gay Liberal Emperor, Taksus Uppus de Assus II, withdraws Goron troops from all overseas campaigns*

*Darunia plans a coup*
Yeah, I felt sympathy for the Spanish, until they showed that long stripe of yellow running up their spineless backs.
Sacred Jellybean Wrote:Does anyone else get this image when they see one of ASM's posts?

[Image: mm_18_leatherface.jpg]

No mercy this time!
Dark Jaguar
I have a what now?

*looks in corner*

Where the spekio did that come from? I don't remember making that, OR having the intelligence TO make a device like that... Oh well...

Ack, why did you cut me up with a picture of a bad movie ASM? Paper cuts hurt!
Paper cuts are the paybacks
of every little tree.
ASM---do you deliberately misspell things? I mean, you must've read DJ say "Paper cuts hurt!"...you replied to it...but then you spell it "Pappers cuts". C'est un coup de papier.
no I dont



*punches ASM in the kidney*
*blows Geoboy and spits his seed in to Darunia's mouth*

Take it like a woman, dork!

*kicks Sacred Jellybean in the neck*

Where's your precious Dreamcast game cases now, you confectionary sugar coated WHORE

*helps a drifter lick Weltall's ass forcefully*


*engages in sexual activity with OB1's mom and uses his baby pictures as a cumrag*

Let's see you argue yourself out of this one bitch!!

*rapes Alien Space Marine with a thesaurus*


I am the Salad and you are the croutons! Bow before your master or face certain doom!


"Um, I gotta disagree with that sort of artistic goal as a concept. Sounds kinda silly..."

*forces lazy's skull down to an escalator stair with his foot and watches his hair get caught in the conveyor belt underneath*

Now then, if you'd gotten a hair cut like I'd ASKED you POLITELY, I wouldn't have to resort to this!
The joke's on you! I have already cut my hair and now it as short as your penis. My hair is like millions of your penii stuck to my head but in a more attractive way the likes you cannot comprehend, FAGGOT!

*eats your entire grandmother in one fell swoop!*
v. swooped, swoop·ing, swoops
v. intr.
1. To move in a sudden sweep: The bird swooped down on its prey.
2. To make a rush or an attack with or as if with a sudden sweeping movement. Often used with down: The children swooped down on the pile of presents.

v. tr.
To seize or snatch in or as if in a sudden sweeping movement.

The act or an instance of swooping.




*punches ASM in the kidney*
Wow, went easy on me... OR DID HE?

*cries and is put into an asylum, a special inside ANOTHER asylum run by ENTIRE ASYLUMS that are like walking robot buildings with crazy people and they are all crazy like crazy robots.... CHANGE PLACES!*
*Signs mutual alliance with Denmark, Israel, Pakistan, and the Netherlands*

*125,000 Danish, Goron, Israeli, Pakistani and Dutch troops land in a great aerial assault all around Tendo City. (The Israelis and Pakistanis aren't allowed near one another.)*

*Luxembourg promises 65,000 troops*

*Liechtenstein agrees to mobilizes it's 850,000-man standing army and put it at the disposal of the Coalition*
Oh no. Oh God. I'm so frightened. We're going to be attacked by camels, cheese and rampant stupidity.

Tell ya what Dar. Why dont I just take my fist and RAM IT UP YOUR NOSE AND PULL OUT THAT PIECE OF CHEWING GUM YOU CALL A BRAIN! *stuffs Darunia in to a European car and drives him directly in to a factory where they produce impaling dildos*

You will come to understand.....

true pain.....

*lubes up shoulders*
*Danish VII and II Corps, each 30,000 men, pin down Lazy Fat Assrammerfuckwad with volleys and prodding cavalry screens, while the Goron XI and Dutch II Corps encircle him.*

*Lazy Fat Sodomy surrenders unconditionally; cedeing his summer cottage, and paying an indemnity of $31.27.*
Darunia Wrote:*Liechtenstein agrees to mobilizes it's 850,000-man standing army and put it at the disposal of the Coalition*

Isn't that like ten times as many people as Liechenstein has altogether?
From CNN.com;

New information points to cause of Darunia's behavior

Not only is Darunia painfully oblivious to the fact that his armies do not exist, but recent documentation discovered on February 17th of this year clearly shows his reasoning behind his aggressive, though exaggerated and infantile remarks. The following may be inappropriate for some readers.

Uncensored Documentation.
Good god do those guys ever have small penises. Rofl
memo to lazy: I fucked your mom.
That's your problem.
I know, my penis turned purple and speaks in tongues now and my pubes stand straight and poke through my pants. I mean, wtf.
Maybe it has something to do with this:
Well fuck me Freddy, I think you're onto something here. LIKE MY DOG'S COCK.
How dare you project your sick family values on to ME! Just because your MOM obviously has sex with DOGS (as seen in the picture directly above this post) does NOT mean that all people enjoy such things (such as your mom enjoying wet dog penis in the above picture).
YAR, you didn't show the REAL picture! Besides, my mom is into LIZARD FUCK.
Listen dude. I'm going to bed now. But when I wake up...

It's war. Do you understand?

*Liechtenstein agrees to mobilizes it's 850,000-man standing army and put it at the disposal of the Coalition*

Therein lies the humor, Sir.

*Alligns with Weltall vs. Lazy Ass Raper*

Wait---thats a picture of me he grafted onto there---

*Dissolves alliance with Weltall; declares formal state of war on Weltall*
Hey, at least I had the good grace to put Marilyn Monroe on your crotch.
What's the matter Dar? You dont like having pictures of your shruken man-hood displayed on the internet for everyone to see? Is a poor baby :( is a widdle poor wuzzy wuzzy :( It okay shnookums, you'll get a penis someday :(

Hey Weltall, you're so fat that when you wear a rain coat outside people yell "Taxi!".
Oh yeah? Well YOU'RE so fat, when you tan, people ask you what your Book of the Month is!
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