Tendo City

Full Version: For those of you in the Chicago area tomorrow...
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I'm talking to you, Mr. Derek Miller! :) Be sure to watch the Chicago St. Patty's Day parade tomorrow. I'm marching in it for my high school band, and we'll be playing <i>Hey Pachuco</i>. We're 115th in line, which means there's a good chance we'll make it just in time before the end of the 2 hour television broadcast, so you'll be able to see us on TV. If you want to spot me, just look for the trumpet player out of step and messing up the march routine. :D

My friend and I spent about 50 bucks on a ton of St. Patrick's day crap for decorating our instruments. Plus some green silly string for God knows what. :D Whoo! Banana

And I hear Bo Jackson will be in the parade tomorrow as well. So be sure and look for him, too!
St. Patrick's Day is a FAKE holiday! It has no meaning whatsoever!
And a bah humbug to you, St. Patty's Day scrooge! :p
One of my teachers at school is a big St. Patrick's Day nut. Every years he dress in a green suit, green wig, green glasses, ect.
St intoxication day! Disgust
There's the green thing and the drinking thing for some. What else? I can't even tell what the religious meaning is. Something to do with chasing snakes or something?
St. Patrick's Day is real in Massachusetts! :)

Irish, DJ, Irish.
Dancing Lepercons!

Thats all I can think off, That and green food coloring.
Yeah, St. Patrick's day is an Irish holiday.
Yeah I get to celebrate my Irish heritage by... well I don't drink and I don't like to paint myself green, so... well, by eating lots of green candy! WOO!

Man was this a long day. But definitely fun! The band did pretty well, but unfortunately WGN (the only station that broadcasts the parade nationally) cut to commercial just before they got to us. I mean, Jesus, you could see and hear us in the background, and then BAM, commercial. I think we were probably on the local stations, but who really cares about that. Disgust

The great thing about parades is that you see some crazy things while waiting in line for the parade to start. I saw the Pikachu bug car (yeah, I know it's nothing new, but I thought I'd mention seeing it drive by), and this really AWESOME guy who looked nearly identical to Johnny Depp dressed in a Jack Sparrow outfit. He even did a good job of acting drunk like captain Sparrow. Or maybe he wasn't acting? :) And a couple years ago I got Bozo the Clown's autograph. That was the year Bozo went into retirement, I think.

...what am I doing typing this? I'm so friggin' tired right now. I think I should just call it a night.
Did you have a Noid balloon? What ELSE from the 1980's is going to be ressurected?
That sucks that they cut you guys out of the broadcast, but anyone who gets WGN could've seen you since it's broadcast nationally. Anyway, St. Patty's Day is an awesome day in Chicago. We love holidays where you are just suppose to party. :)
Oh, quickly! There was one other intriguing thing I forgot to mention.

Our school mascot is a pirate, and his costume is well... interesting, to say the least. Anyway, there was this one Japanese tourist who seemed absolutely thrilled with our mascot and insisted he get his picture taken next to it.

I dunno. It's just one of those things where you had to be there for it to be as funny as I found it to be. :D
Wait a sec, just realized something. Was it St Patrick's day today? Not a single person while I was out was celebrating it in any way shape or form nor were there any decorations. Oklahoma barely acknowledges it's existance, and there's a lot of people of Irish decent here. Of course, not a single one of them can actually TRACE themselves that far back. Family trees aren't a hobby for people here. They can trace their histories as far back as the oldest people in their family they've ACTUALLY met, and that's it. Myself included. This might be part of the whole mindset people here have towards life in general. With no grand story of arrival, they just ARE, so what's the big deal?
Pirate costume interesting? Well, they look ridiculous as it is, so what was it a ninja pirate? A cowboy pirate? An evil politician demon zombie ghost pirate?
Were people wearing any green on them, that is the question...
As far as I can remember, no more than usual, which is next to none.
St patty's day became big in north america when the irish minority pushed for recognition of their history and stuggles,but Now that most irish are not under priviledge and no longer need to play the victim , St Patty's day is just a excuss too party the same as new years eve.
St. Patrick's Day is on Wednesday, but they have the parades on the weekend, because, frankly, you just can't have a parade during the middle of the week.
Sure you can, who's gonna stop them? Society? Pfft, they'll realize what's important when they're playing the monopoly of the DAMNED like the rest! Oh yes, they'll have their precious "Park Place", and they'll recieve their rent, IN THE BODIES OF THEIR LOVED ONES!

Someone: Wow that was harsh...

DJ: I've killed the man's buzz. I am VICTORIOUS over the buzz!
Quote:Sure you can, who's gonna stop them?

It's an unwritten rule of the galaxy! And as everyone knows one of the main unwritten rules of the galaxy is that you can't go against the unwritten rules of the galaxy!
Hey, I know that pirate guy!

HOLY SHIT. Who are you??? Do I know you? How did you get that pic of petey?

OMG this is really weird.
Okay, so I take it you're <i>the</i> guy who was dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow at the St. Patrick's Day parade? I bet you found this thread by doing a Google search similar to something like <a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Chicago+St.+Patrick%27s+Day+Parade+Captain+Jack+Sparrow&btnG=Google+Search">this</a>. Tendo City is very poplular with Google, so I can see how you stumbled upon this thread, but DAMN. This is too strange.
You hit the bloody nail on the head!
My theory was wrong, yet I still suspect Jack of being SOMEONE here.

These are the Jacks I know I know, these are the Jacks I know...

Ah but GR, WHICH galaxy is the question. There are millions of them ya know. Is it even a spiral shape like ours, or one of the barrel-armed, or what?
Wow! This is freakin' awesome! Glad to meet you, Mr. Sparrow dude. I know a girl in the band who got her picture with you who'd just love to have your email address. :D She kinda has the hots for ya. lol.

Oh, and somebody please do an IP check to confirm it isn't just lazyfatbum or someone playing with my mind. It couldn't be, though, because there's no way lazy could get that picture.
It's an extravaganza!!
Shut up and eat your cheese sandwitch!
I already did, though...
No, this is the real deal. I was searching Google, to see if anyone had pictures from the parade up.
If you didn't get the idea from the Petey link, my site is www.sithcamaro.com, chock full of different costumes, that I've put together.
Google DOES love Tendo City. You see how we almost never have fewer than twenty 'guests'? Well, usually about two-thirds of them are really Google spiders.

Anyway, welcome aboard, Cap'n. Yarr. Good ta have ye on the deck, scurvy! Ar!
But WHY does Google love TC? :)
Teh monies.
Teh tacos.
Yeah, that too.
Mmm, you are making me hungry.
Taco money!
But I need these moneys to buy nutrients!
Well, WE need the money so that Google will rank us near the top of a bunch of searches!
Google money!!