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Something's up, guys.

I will need help. We have several very active people here, who could spare a few ticks to devote to the greater good.
...I'm sorry, what? I clicked on the "become gay" link and my mind kinda drifted after that.
I guess geoboy was so curious to see what homosexuality is about.

Weltall can I review games for the new site? Or is it all nintendo only.
I'm going to have to see. We had major console areas for review before and I think we had a grand total of two submitted for non-Nintendo consoles.
So what happened to the forum-based reviews? Are they still there but they'll have to be resubmitted? And how do we access this new review area? Do we need a new account for the homepage or something? I'm confused...
I'll gladly do an Unreal Tournament 2004 review. :D
I'd be glad to help if I could. Just tell me what I need to do.

My title of the Review King must be preserved!
A Black Falcon Wrote:So what happened to the forum-based reviews? Are they still there but they'll have to be resubmitted? And how do we access this new review area? Do we need a new account for the homepage or something? I'm confused...

They're all still there, you can see them in their forums in the control panel. They would need to be re-submitted, but that wouldn't take much.

You will need a new account for the nuke software, I'll set that up as I go along.

Like it says, March 19 is the day I hope to have it all ready (it'd be sooner but life is a little hectic right now). And, insofar as what can be done, basically, anything you think you can do.
Like in that homepage where are the reviews? Is there a subsection on that list of links on the side for them?

Oh and it's annoying to have to resubmit reviews but ... oh well...

Having to make a seperate account for the homepage from the forum is more annoying, though.
geoboy, shouldn't you wait until that game actually comes out?
Bah, reviews of demos are good enough... :D
Where exactly in my post did I say I wanted to review the demo? I just said I'd do the review for it! :D I have the game preordered and it will be released on the 16th of this month, which is pretty soon. When I get the full game I plan on playing it heavily, as well as following the modding tutorials before I'd even start writing the review.
I improved my review of Netstorm and have a review of Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith I never posted here...
Id love to review Civ III conquests.KOTOR for Xbox.

I hate Bunnies!
There's only one problem I've come across so far, but unfortunately it's... not a crucial one, but it's very annoying: When you enter text for reviews or news or what have you, the text does not format properly, even if you use HTML to make it do so. Everything ends up as one huge paragraph. I'm trying to find an add-on or patch to fix this problem.
Well that would be bad... I'll wait then. :)
You mentione nuke- are you using PHPNuke or PostNuke or something else entirely? Just curious, cause my database prof thinks these are the greatest things ever, and he is making us create a content management system for our homework. The man has NO CLUE of what can be done in a couple weeks.
Well, I was using PHPNuke, but I decided against it. Though I did like the system, there is no built-in text formatting, which makes for very, very ugly posts. I'm testing a few similar frontends right now.