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Once again this is absolute tard, Violent individuals are caused by mental rage and insanity not because they saw a violent tv show or video game.
Millions of people go and see horror films and action movies and millions more play GTA3 , But why arnt thousands if not millions of those players going out reinacting what they see? Isnt odd that the crime rate is also going down?
They said the same shit about comic books years ago , Infact the violent imagery in comics has gone up yet nobody cares since it isnt popular.

Kids that are agressive and rebelious is because they lack a good relationship with their parents.

As for obesity well there isnt much difference then having them watch tv , They complain that these kids sit around eating chips and junk yet who is buying it for them?Yes their parents who need shut up and sit down and talk with their kids about diet and physical activity, It seems that many dont even make the effort to attempt it they just blaim it on somthing as a scape goat.

I myself have put on weight but I blaim it on the cold winter and the high cost of going too a gym. Despite that I try to walk atleast 15 minutes a day outside.
Yes yes we ALL know those standard arguments against it. That's like what we said 3 years ago on the subject.

Oh, Hydralisks shoot needles. Not sure how you confused that for feces...
One word: scapegoat. We live in a society where we believe that when bad things happen, it's always somebody else's fault. And it's just plain easier to put the blame on someone or something else.

And as for video games contributing to obesity, I think it contributes much less to it than TV. It's difficult to eat and play video games at the same time, and even if you do, you don't eat a whole lot because you're hands are not always free, or you have to pause the game. When you watch TV, however, your hands are free to shove food in your mouth all you want, AND you're not being active. Being inactive alone, however, is not enough to become obese. If that were true, then I'd probably weigh 300 pounds. I only weigh half that. Why? It's because I'm not frickin EATING all the time when I watch TV, play video games, and surf the web.
Plus, arcades lately are frickin' fitness gyms.
It's just as they said in the South Park episode "Death": parents rely on television as a babysitter for their children and expect it to teach their kids the moral values that they should be learning from their parents. Instead of protesting, however, parents could be putting what their children see into context. But it's so much easier to blame the media than to raise your children yourself, right?

First of all, different forms of media have different ratings. Parents should pay attention to these ratings. One woman was stupid enough to buy a South Park DVD and show it to her children, then she complained about the overuse of swearing. As though the parental warning on the DVD case as well as at the beginning of the DVD and at the beginning of EVERY SINGLE EPISODE wasn't enough. Grand Theft Auto's title should be enough to make a parent hesitant, and the little "M" on the corner of the case should also come as a warning.

A parent should also get to know their kid. Remember, M means Mature. That doesn't necessarily mean "old enough." A kid could be old enough yet still not be mature, and if a parent gets to know their child, they should know if the child is mature enough to watch a higher rated movie or TV show or play a T or M rated game. Otherwise, stick with G-rated movies, TV-Y rated shows, and E-rated games. Don't blame the developers because your 8-year old played an M-rated game, then started acting violent and swearing.
People are weird.
Episode "death"? Where do you find out the names of these episodes? They never show titles on any of the sitcoms I've ever seen, yet some people seem to actually know what they are called.
The episode titles are on websites and the DVDs. "Death" is the episode where Stan's grandpa wanted Stan to kill him, the parents were protesting to try and get Terrance Phillip taken off the air, and the grim reaper, Death, chased the kids around and killed Kenny. It's an old, first season episode.
Obesity is caused by there being so much food available, and much of it being cheap and high in carbs and fats.

Think about it. Poor people are generally more obese than upper and middle class people. What nation in history had the problem of too many fat poor people?

It's a brave new world. :hmm:
I shouldn't work in a grocery store. The variety of junk food is overly tempting.
For canada its because of the damn winter , Most people are just too comfortable inside eating bags of lays chips to go outside . What is sad is that Junk food costs less then Fruits and vegetables.

I wouldnt blaim obesity in kids entirely on Video games, Kids will do the same for Tv and some just eat because they are bored, So keep the kids busy and they wont eat so much and I dont think Video games encourages unhealthy eating since its really up too the parents.

After I had Jaw surgery I had my mouth wired shut and I had to literally try to eat with my closed,All liquids. I couldnt exercise at all because my jaw waisnt fully healed yet so what I did was stay home and play video games the hole month and I loss 30 pounds.You can lose weight and not have too exercise but only if you really dont touch any fatty foods or have any kind of fat making food like high carbs or Junk food you will lose weight even if your a coach patatoe.
Yes if we actually kept 12 year olds from playing GTA there wouldn't be many complaints about this...
A Black Falcon Wrote:Yes if we actually kept 12 year olds from playing GTA there wouldn't be many complaints about this...

Its really the parents that buy it for them and permit it in the house.
If parents took a more active role in what their children do then we wouldn't have this problem.
Sounds like the hole thing was made by Ignorant parents looking for a scape goat.
... true given how much things cost in Sweden I don't know how many 12 year olds can afford games... :D
Parents are too afraid to punish their kids these days, yet today's youth needs more discipline than any other youth in recorded history.
I wholeheartedly agree. The more I see what kids are becoming, the more virtuous corporal punishment looks.
Alot of it has too do with the decline of Religion ,(You atheist better not stab this) It is proven that children raised by spiritually strong parents do better in school and have lower chances of doing drugs or premarital sex.It was statiscally proven by unbiased researchers . The religion is were everyone learned their morality and were taught of the proper way to raise kids as the government isnt sopposed to teach your kids right and wrong its the parents.


What we got today is loss in what is right and wrong and everything is grey so kids grow up confused.I am not saying Atheist dont have morality but it is usually because they are raising their kids they way they were raised so they hold on too what the past gave them.

Today Parents are just giving up and not even trying at all and just handing a Condom which is the same as buying beer for your under age kid, There is even some who grow ilegal drugs in their house around there kids.I am not gonna say you shouldnt use a Condom if your sexually active , But Condoms dont protect you 100% from STDs and Pregnacies and I think parents need to teach their kids about what relationships are about and talk about sex, It disgust me how many kids just have sex for fun or because the girl is hot and their parents dont give a shit and just hand them condoms thinking their doing the right thing and they dont have too bother with their kids.It makes my blood boil when I read articles about teen sex in mcleans magazine and they say " dont force your kids not to have sex and just give them condoms let them learn the hard way"!Unfortunately some do have to learn the hard way but should everyone?
Yes, before seperation of church and state went out of control, religion was what kept a lot of kids from making bad choices. Of course, atheism should still be permitted and religion should not be enforced on anyone, but schools shouldn't focus so hard on completely abolishing religion, like with that whole thing in France. As long as the kids behave themselves and pay attention so they can learn and get good marks, then it doesn't matter what denomination they are or when and where they practice their beliefs.

Regarding condoms and sex, a lot of times, parents don't even know what's going on in their kids' lives. A child can go pick up free condoms from sex ed. or what have you and they don't even have to let their parents know. When a girl gets pregnant, though, her parents help her take care of the child and hardly even get mad. If the father is known, he hardly gets scolded either and can sometimes get himself out of taking care of the child. So, in addition to parents being too soft, they're also not informed enough about what's going on in their kids' lives. Laws have gotten softer too. In several parts of the country, sex before marriage has become perfectly legal, whereas in our parents' generation, it was not only good morality, but custom, for a couple to only have sex within wedlock. (Granted, there were cases of sex outside of wedlock back then, but the rate of teen pregnancies was almost non-existant compared to now. School was a much larger priority back then.)

In a nutshell, the softer society gets, the more corrupt the youth becomes--and the youth of today is the society of tomorrow, and at this rate, the youth of tomorrow is headed for the pits as well. Something needs to change before this youth takes control of our society.
Geno Wrote:Yes, before seperation of church and state went out of control, religion was what kept a lot of kids from making bad choices. Of course, atheism should still be permitted and religion should not be enforced on anyone, but schools shouldn't focus so hard on completely abolishing religion, like with that whole thing in France. As long as the kids behave themselves and pay attention so they can learn and get good marks, then it doesn't matter what denomination they are or when and where they practice their beliefs.

Regarding condoms and sex, a lot of times, parents don't even know what's going on in their kids' lives. A child can go pick up free condoms from sex ed. or what have you and they don't even have to let their parents know. When a girl gets pregnant, though, her parents help her take care of the child and hardly even get mad. If the father is known, he hardly gets scolded either and can sometimes get himself out of taking care of the child. So, in addition to parents being too soft, they're also not informed enough about what's going on in their kids' lives. Laws have gotten softer too. In several parts of the country, sex before marriage has become perfectly legal, whereas in our parents' generation, it was not only good morality, but custom, for a couple to only have sex within wedlock. (Granted, there were cases of sex outside of wedlock back then, but the rate of teen pregnancies was almost non-existant compared to now. School was a much larger priority back then.)

In a nutshell, the softer society gets, the more corrupt the youth becomes--and the youth of today is the society of tomorrow, and at this rate, the youth of tomorrow is headed for the pits as well. Something needs to change before this youth takes control of our society.

The good thing about only having sex when your married and infact its main reason , Is too give children a stable family with a Mom and a DAD commited to each other, Its good for you to have that morality as you wont be forced to leave school and support a child and wreck yourself.Its somthing God had put down in the Ten Commandments for the benifit of Society and Individuals and Jesus later pushed that law further though he did offer forgiveness if you sined but Repentfulness is somthing that is earned and not wished away with a few words.

Even in School they know this is the best for Teens but they practically Ok you in having sex anyways And say too kids they can do whatever they want which is awful.

The Reason I dont believe in this Condom thing is because it is a false sense of sercurity, Now I understand why the goverment hands them out to curve STD's but apparently alot of comdoms are useless agiast HIV since the HIV molicules pass right through the wall of the condom. In a way this practice is really stabing parents in the back. Parents that freely let their kids sleep around and even raise their bastard offspring dont desserve to have kids.

France = Snub fuck heads , I am french and I cant stand them they are very biggoted compared to french canadians.

The hole law was created to attack Muslimes and shew them out of france and that hole seperation between church and state thing is just exaderated and a lie, People waring their head scarves or their turbins are just practicing their right of choice and freedom and in no way does this some how cause the goverment to endorse the religions.If my goverment ever tries this I hope the people revolt and overthrow the communist bitches.
Teachers and other adults claim that a teen having sex is only hurting himself or herself, but they're wrong. It hurts their families and their offspring too. Actions that supposedly only hurt the one who made the bad decision should not be ignored like that because often, the one who made the decision is not the only one to suffer. When others have to pay the consequences for someone else's actions, something has to be done about it.
So what, we have just abstinence education in schools? That would be a complete and total failure as it has been when tried. Yes, it needs to be taught as just saying 'use a condom' would encourage teenage sexuality, which is a bad thing, but it MUST be taught and condoms made available in some way because a lot of people will not listen and needlessly exposing them to great danger is a really bad idea.

Oh and doing like you and teaching scare stories that are far from fact about condoms is a very bad idea as well. Most of them aren't true and all it does it makes people have unprotected sex which is orders of magnitude worse than using protection...

Oh and as for corporal punishment (you mean things like spanking?), that's not right... oh sure you need to punish people but that isn't nice. What my parents did most of the time was made me have a time out on the stairs for a few minuites... hitting children is cruel and should not be allowed. You need to find some kind of replacement punishments of course because as I said you can't just let people do anything, but hitting? Absolutely not.

And yes, religion does bring a moral sense and all that. However you do not need to believe in god to have that... religion just makes it easy by providing a set of beliefs for you that you don't really have to question. This is truth. And people listen and believe... and follow. For every good thing religion has done in human history it's had several bad effects, for sure. Belief is a powerful thing and can do good (like it is proven that if you think you will get better in some cases you can get better -- the placebo effect pretty much), but it also excludes others and that causes all kinds of very bad side effects. Excluding is bad. That is unless someone's doing something criminal... but that brings up what law should be based on and how religions frequently bend the laws so that it's okay to destroy those other groups who disagree with you...

Oh I can't help making some more comments... like Jesus. He had a very good message that (for the time for sure) was a great ideal. But people are human and power corrupts so quickly Christianity became what Jesus had preached against... Christianity as it is applied is nothing like Jesus's teachings. If he could live after he died I'm sure he'd be appalled... his teachings don't make much of any room for the kind of violent hatred that permeates christianity.

And France is in the right in completely seperating church and state. This specific law I'm not completely sure but I can see why they are doing it... The US is just a few hundred years behind the rest of the first world, that's all. Oh and remember -- this action in France is not liberal. It is conservative. As I have said before. Don't confuse your values with universal conservative values! They are not! In the rest of the first world conservatives are not ultra-religious, for the most part. Witness how Jaques Chirac in France is, I'm pretty sure, from the conservative French party... and as for this law we've discussed it in length before so I don't know if there's a point in doing it again.
It'll be interesting to see what ABF has to say about this...
I think I'm done editing it now...

Nope. Need to change the France comments. :)
A Black Falcon Wrote:So what, we have just abstinence education in schools? That would be a complete and total failure as it has been when tried. Yes, it needs to be taught as just saying 'use a condom' would encourage teenage sexuality, which is a bad thing, but it MUST be taught and condoms made available in some way because a lot of people will not listen and needlessly exposing them to great danger is a really bad idea.

Oh and doing like you and teaching scare stories that are far from fact about condoms is a very bad idea as well. Most of them aren't true and all it does it makes people have unprotected sex which is orders of magnitude worse than using protection...

Oh and as for corporal punishment (you mean things like spanking?), that's not right... oh sure you need to punish people but that isn't nice. What my parents did most of the time was made me have a time out on the stairs for a few minuites... hitting children is cruel and should not be allowed. You need to find some kind of replacement punishments of course because as I said you can't just let people do anything, but hitting? Absolutely not.

And yes, religion does bring a moral sense and all that. However you do not need to believe in god to have that... religion just makes it easy by providing a set of beliefs for you that you don't really have to question. This is truth. And people listen and believe... and follow. For every good thing religion has done in human history it's had several bad effects, for sure. Belief is a powerful thing and can do good (like it is proven that if you think you will get better in some cases you can get better -- the placebo effect pretty much), but it also excludes others and that causes all kinds of very bad side effects. Excluding is bad. That is unless someone's doing something criminal... but that brings up what law should be based on and how religions frequently bend the laws so that it's okay to destroy those other groups who disagree with you...

Oh I can't help making some more comments... like Jesus. He had a very good message that (for the time for sure) was a great ideal. But people are human and power corrupts so quickly Christianity became what Jesus had preached against... Christianity as it is applied is nothing like Jesus's teachings. If he could live after he died I'm sure he'd be appalled... his teachings don't make much of any room for the kind of violent hatred that permeates christianity.

And France is in the right in completely seperating church and state. This specific law I'm not completely sure but I can see why they are doing it... The US is just a few hundred years behind the rest of the first world, that's all. Oh and remember -- this action in France is not liberal. It is conservative. As I have said before. Don't confuse your values with universal conservative values! They are not! In the rest of the first world conservatives are not ultra-religious, for the most part. Witness how Jaques Chirac in France is, I'm pretty sure, from the conservative French party... and as for this law we've discussed it in length before so I don't know if there's a point in doing it again.

When I went in sex Ed at school I find different teachers teach it differently , But the first one spoke as if deseases and preganancies are the only down side to casual sex.Which is false as Geno brought out there is emotional damage and it can ruin your family and your life.

The HIV thing isnt a some false horror story its the truth and it was your own damned goverment that did a study on it during the Clinton adminstration, When scientist wonderd why people who used Condoms still got HIV,they discoverd that HIV Molicules are smaller then the wall of a condom and would pass through, Now they probaily refited the standard condoms afterwards, Condoms are not 100% anymore then contraception they can snap and tare or have tiny little micro holes in them. But since society no longer gives a shit about morality the only defense is condoms and they are better then nothing. They have even done studies with students and alot dont know much about HIV or Hepatitis A-c which is sad.

As for spankings, I believe your are wrong , I was spanked as a child and I have not had any emotional damage , I know my parents loved me even when i was a kid and i got spanked because I rebeled and lied and I learned from it not to repeat my bad behavour.Now I agree that using wooden rods or belts and objects is to much but a small slap to the hand or Butt wont cause any injuries and is resonable punnishment. Parents can do a variety of things like putting them in the corner or removing a privledge . but I am sorry some kids are too wild and bratty for time outs too work I find parents who are too soft or permissive with their kids end up raising total spoil brats . Slaps on the hand or buttochs are not extreme physical assualts and shouldnt be confused with child abuse.

As for religion there is alot of crimes done in the name of God so there for that religion is false and isnt the true faith As god is a peaceful Non violent entity who only uses force for just reasons, Yes christianity has been corrupted by a far majority and it may come as a Surprise but Jesus predicted this Apostasy when he was alive and fortold that it would be destroyed in armedgedon, The Apostle John Fortold that this Harlot(apostates) would fornicate with the kings and princes of all the nations and spill blood.All Nations according to teachings of Jesus belong to the devil and christians should no part of it , Jesus was a Pasifist and believed in non violence and he commanded that his followers be politicaly neutral, The Pope is a example of the corruption as he frequiently meets with Political leaders and tries too Push them around spreading his doctrine.There are non major christians that dont get involved in politics and remained neutral.
Quote:Oh and as for corporal punishment (you mean things like spanking?), that's not right... oh sure you need to punish people but that isn't nice. What my parents did most of the time was made me have a time out on the stairs for a few minuites... hitting children is cruel and should not be allowed. You need to find some kind of replacement punishments of course because as I said you can't just let people do anything, but hitting? Absolutely not.

Corporal punishment when taking to far is definitely a bad thing, but a swat on the behind I'd say does a lot more than a time out. Spare the rod and you spoil the child.
They had that debate in canada , They old fasion slap and spank won agiast you whiners.There are some idiots that think hitting a dog with a news papper because he was humping someone is animal crueilty but Id call it decipline.
No, condoms aren't 100%, they're about 98% if used properly (more likely if people were taught about condoms in class obviously)... not exactly a huge failure rate and a bit better than the 0% protection provided by abstinence if you don't stay abstinent.

I'd say that hitting people does teach them to not do things, but I would not say that violence is a very effective deterrent. The only good reason they know to not do things is to not get hit and as we can observe with things like the death penalty (and how it doesn't really lower crime rates) people don't think of that too much a lot of the time when they do bad things... and even if they do just 'i might get hit' isn't really a reason not to want to just not to do it. It'd be more effective if there was some way that led to them understanding why it is wrong and not just that you shouldn't do that while adults are around or you will get swatted...

Quote:As for religion there is alot of crimes done in the name of God so there for that religion is false and isnt the true faith As god is a peaceful Non violent entity who only uses force for just reasons, Yes christianity has been corrupted by a far majority and it may come as a Surprise but Jesus predicted this Apostasy when he was alive and fortold that it would be destroyed in armedgedon, The Apostle John Fortold that this Harlot(apostates) would fornicate with the kings and princes of all the nations and spill blood.All Nations according to teachings of Jesus belong to the devil and christians should no part of it , Jesus was a Pasifist and believed in non violence and he commanded that his followers be politicaly neutral, The Pope is a example of the corruption as he frequiently meets with Political leaders and tries too Push them around spreading his doctrine.There are non major christians that dont get involved in politics and remained neutral.

People are far, far from perfect and the old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely is completely correct. Once Christianity became a major religion (within a few hundred years it was the major religion) it was inevitable that it'd go the way it did...
Like verbal punishment works much better. Rolleyes

Dad: Timmy, you got to your room and think about what you did!

Timmy: Fine! That's where I wanted to go anyway! *does whatever it was again*

Dad: I guess I'll just have to explain to why what you did is wrong. *begins lecture*

Timmy: Oh great a lecture. Dad, you are so boring and old-fashioned!

Quote:but I would not say that violence is a very effective deterrent.

You'd call one, maybe two, swats on the behind VIOLENCE? Erm
Hitting is violence, yes.

And sending someone to their room might not work as well because there are plenty of things to do there... as I said we had to spend 5 minuites or something on the stairs for a minor infraction.
Quote:Hitting is violence, yes.

I would say that it is only violence when it becomes "unreasonable".
You can probably guess my reply.
It isn't hard.
Now look, I'm not advocating beating your child senseless because they didn't take out the trash when you told them to. What I'm saying is that if they do something you told them not to you give them a swat and tell them not do it again. That's what my parents did to me and I managed to turn out okay.
My parents never hit me. They thought it was wrong. And I ended up okay too. :)
1.Teachers cannot use force on others peoples kids , I think parents only have the right too use physical decipline on there own kids.Its a law in most countries now.

2. Thats not whats called reasonable physical decipline ,thats a teacher who is having phychological issues.

3. Am I a murderous rapist because my parents spanked me? NO...!

4. Parents dont just grab and spank them, "they say dont do that again it is wrong for this reason blah blah" and if you do it again you know whats coming for you.

5.Your confusing achoholic driven beatings to reasonable loving parental decipline.

After a certain age you cannot use physical descipline since it no longer works since teens would gladly take a 10 second sting so they can go out and do whatever they want , Thats when you use punnishment like grounding them and taking them away from their parties and precious TV and Video games.

But Kids are not stupid either they can hide toys in their room so when they get sent there they are perfectly amused , (which is what i did at that age)
But unlike teens that little sting is enough to make them think twice.

How are you gonna decipline your kid when your not at home? When parents are busy out shoping and the kids pulls a tantrum so many dont even have the guts and just give in (were all these little monster start) , When you say I gonna send you too your room when we get home the kid has in mind that he can get out of it by being a good boy and you get so occupied shopping and running errands you forget about the incident when you finally get home.
Well the kid doesnt he knows he can get freebies , Just one slap to the hand and telling them off is quick and does the job without causing any kind of harm.

There is a difference between a Slap and a Fist so dont confuse it.
Great Rumbler Wrote:Now look, I'm not advocating beating your child senseless because they didn't take out the trash when you told them to. What I'm saying is that if they do something you told them not to you give them a swat and tell them not do it again. That's what my parents did to me and I managed to turn out okay.

My parents did that too (when I was younger. It ended when I was about 8)...but I dunno if I've managed to turn out okay. :)

Now whenever I do bad shit it's just-No going out for two weeks. Sometimes it's a month. Sometimes even more. What
I can understand it when parents spank their kids (I was spanked) when they're bad, but I've also seen many parents successfully raise their children without resorting to hitting their kids, or yelling at them.
I see people sometimes hit their kids in the head, I think that's too much. But a good swat on the ass doesn't hurt them. There's nothing at all excessive about that. Some kids, myself included, needed some of that to be set on the right path.

Hell, I got the good ol' leather strap once or twice and there was probably nothing quite so persuasive about reforming myself than the thought of getting it again.
I remeber once that I used a Toy shark to bite my sister on the arm and she was bleeding , My dad came down and gave me a slap on the hand and as the final punnishment he broke my toy in half and put it in the garbage which was worse punnish then getting slaped .

If Parents can raise their kids without using spankings thats perfectly fine thats their decision and I respect it , But Dont put push your opinions on other people and let them raise their kids they way they want.As long as there is no abuse.
Yes, it's good if people can raise the children without corporal punishment. But one of the points I was trying to make it there's a lot of difference between family violence and reasonable punishment, another being that corporal punishment WILL NOT turn children into homocidal freaks.
Quote:Oh and remember -- this action in France is not liberal. It is conservative. As I have said before. Don't confuse your values with universal conservative values! They are not!

I don't recall ever saying whether the religious ban in France was liberal or conservative. :hmm:

Anyway... yes, my parents spanked me a few times as a child, and of course I got mad at them. I thought I was right and they were wrong, but because of that spanking, I dared not do whatever it was I got punished for again. Over time, I developed my own sense of morality and realized that my parents were right and I was wrong. I always was a sneaky little bastard, and I still am; whenever my parents tried to take something away from me, I always found some alternative. Spanking was the only thing effective enough to get me to behave. Every now and then, promising something for me if I behaved would work, but usually it was something I could live without and I didn't care much. My parents never made me stick soap in my mouth like in A Christmas Story, and they usually discussed things with me before and/or after spanking me, even sometimes using discussion as an alternative to physical discipline. I can see now that they never wanted to spank me and only did it when nothing else worked. And that little bit of fear caused by spankings and threats of spankings was what kept me from doing wrong long enough to learn on my own why those things were wrong.
They had put soap in my mouth once, because I said profanity. I didnt like that to me thats worse then a spanking.
When the cops busted me for booze and had to drive me hope in the back of he cop car (if you're claustrophobic, I'd recommend not getting in the back of a pig mobile), I was grounded for two and a half months. Plus I had to somehow pay off a $115.00 ticket, so I sold my GBA and all my games to do so. I wish they would have hit me instead of making me stay home every weekend for 10 weeks. But alas, I guess I'm too old....
'pig mobile'?
Sure, cops are called pigs, so the vehicles they drive are 'pig mobiles'.

I wanted to slap one of 'em when they were giving me a lecture: "So, did any of your other frieinds have alcohol?" "Der, did you find any?" "No..." "Well then I guess they don't".

Oh, but they DID all have booze, and I was super pissed that I was the only one that got caught.
I don't follow... They asked you if your friends had anything to drink, you make a smart alek, and illogical, comment about how they didn't, when you KNOW they did. And for some reason, you got mad at THEM? Logic my friend, logic.
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