Tendo City

Full Version: Homosexual turtles
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I'll never be able to look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the same way again...EVER.
That's not right... but kind of funny.
Dude, we gotta stop the Shredder, but I simply CANNOT wrinkle my chiffon scarf! *wave*
I was actually thinking of regular turtles when I made this topic.
Yeah, I'm sure...
No really, I was thinking of little box turtles.
You're a sick man, Daniel! A sick man!!
But it's funny!
Yeah, okay, maybe it is, but still...
I mean it's not like it would look any different from male and female turtles mating. It's just the thought of it that makes you giggle.
Ninja Turtles is funnier. Real turtles is probably a reality somewhere. ... but you're right, not like anyone could tell... :D
A small gay turtle couple is really funny. Gay ninja turtles would be pretty much like gay humans.