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Full Version: 65 - Plan B From Outer-Space
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65 - Plan B From Outer-Space
Hahaha, what the hell was that??
As he said in the comics thread, if you don't know you don't deserve to. It's the Monolith from 2001 and it has .. I don't know, I didn't see the movie... but supposedly its impossible to get the joke unless you've seen it.
I've seen the movie a billion times but I'm still confused...

And you haven't seen 2001?? What's wrong with you, boy??
Never got around to it...
*tsk tsk tsk*
I didn't see the movie, but I read the book several times and I don't get it either.
Alright, if I have to do it I have to do it. I'll explain the joke. Okay here's how it goes: In the movie 2001 the apes find the monolith [or it finds them] and because of their contact with it they evovle. Now, supposedly we SHOULD notice it and take an interest in it and because of our contact with it we would also evovle [into the star-child or whatever]. Instead we completely fail to notice it at all and in the end it gets thrown out with the trash. The characters are SO STUPID that they completely fail to notice a giant black monolith sitting in the middle of the living room and, somehow, throw it out without ever ONCE becoming curious about it. There.
That makes sense... the comic did not express it very well, though. :)
It actually very much conveys that we ARE in fact paying attention to it.
All the characters are doing something other than taking an interest in it...
Um, I couldn't tell that... actually I didn't notice the Monolith in the room until you posted your explanation. I just saw the door (I know it's a window but I saw a door)... didn't notice the Monolith in front of it. :) And yeah, all the people are in the room doing things... it is not clear at all that they aren't paying attention. And it also isn't clear that it was thrown out... suddenly it's outside (I couldn't tell that that was a trash can until you told me so)? Huh?
Ah, that makes it clear to me. Hehe.
It needed to be clearer in the strip though. :)
[Image: 2000cry.jpg]
That's the official ABF smiley.
Make it his avatar! :D
You do it!
No, you do it!
I'm too lazy...
What were we talking about, again? I'm too lazy to scroll up.
I can't remember.

Edit: Another delete post...for the preservation of "The Order".
Your Order sucks!
Oh yeah?! Well your face sucks!! Haha...ha...hmm...
Sucks what?