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Full Version: The Bean Bag Chair Thread
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[Image: 10oz1.jpg]
Is it filled with... jellybeans?
But they'd get squashed...
Infidel! Must you mock my idealistic dreams of one day growing eccentric enough to express my love for candy by furnishing one room in my house with jellybeaned furniture and a Scrooge-McDuck-esque swimmingpool filled to the brim with jellybeans simply because you have no innerchild or sweet tooth?!? Go drown in your seltzer water, you bastard!

[Image: productshot.jpg]
Jellybeans are good, but you'd need to refill the beanbag quite frequently...
Yeah because you'd keep on eating them.
But...why do they call them JELLYbeans? And for that matter why are they called beans? They don't grow into anything if you plant them, and believe me I have tried before and it didn't work!
How do you think beanjo was born??


they put jellybeans into you-know-what!
Wow. I...I never knew that...

No... it cannot be...
Man jelly ~o met Woman bean. 0

Thus, Beanjo.
They used jellybeans instead of you-know-what!
But what FLAVOR?
You don't want to know!
Well, I licked myself and discovered that my flavor is coffee bean-ish, with an undertaste of hemp... and I'm ASSUMING it was genetically inherited.
You got it!

But I bet you're wondering what exactly the jellybeans substituted, right? Eh? Am I right?