Tendo City

Full Version: The name of this forum...
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...is too friggen long :D. Look what it does to the "Jump to forum" menu down below! Can't we just dedicate this forum to the almighty Semnat?
Its long, but does that box being stretched really matter?

No, what we need is a new topic here. :)
NO! It must not be changed or the mighty Lord Steven Nathaniel Semnat Jr. VII, ruler of Tendocity and the surrounding provinces, most high califat of the western deserts, lord protector of the eastern sea coast, and graduate alumni of Princeton, Yale, Harvard, AND Oxford will become greately displeased!
Okay, I changed anyway. But remember, you're taking responsibility for it!
Oh, this is SO much better. Rolleyes
It IS, isn't it? Amazing!
Hey, Emporor-Mage Steven Nathaniel Semnat cannot be a VII AND a Jr.! It doesn't work like that!

*Semnat legions begin to storm TC to change title, and are greeted by Darunia's Goron legions*

This...could be messy.
*Semnat troops, not seeing Darunia's inch tall troops, proceed to squash them*

Quote:Hey, Emporor-Mage Steven Nathaniel Semnat cannot be a VII AND a Jr.! It doesn't work like that!

I don't think you quite understand the situation. Semnat is an emperor-mage and all those other things, so he can be VII and Jr. if he bloody well wants to! And he does!