Tendo City

Full Version: Fer crying out loud, people, why don't you POST??!!
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I see around ten people browsing the forums right now, and only GR, DJ, and Fittisize are posting. What's with you, N-Man, Nintendarse, Hudson, Beanjo, etc.??!! Post, damnit!

Please? I'll give you a cookie.
Hey OB1, ever consider a vacation? Everyone else here has left TC for a couple weeks or so, perhaps you might want to do the same? Maybe when you come back you'll be brimming with pep and vinigar or some such thing.
Those people should post!
Posting is so passé.
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Hey OB1, ever consider a vacation? Everyone else here has left TC for a couple weeks or so, perhaps you might want to do the same? Maybe when you come back you'll be brimming with pep and vinigar or some such thing.

If you put coins in vinigar it'll clean them off.
Ok! I'll make a new topic!
*claps for Marky Mark*

I tried cleaning my coin collection that way when I was ten and it screwed them up.
Hahaha! :D
They got all vinegary and weird.
sounds like quite the predicament.
I only post if I have something to say.
I just open every thread that has a new post in it (at the same time), and then go through them and respond to all the ones I can think of something to say in. :)
That's what I do to ABF, but I'm finding I have a lot less to say than I used to. And right now I have no connection at home, because the people at Qwest are clueless and the people at MSN are lying idiots. But you already knew that. I wish I had.
I can usually think of something to say. :)
I usually have something to say, but as to wether or not it is comprehendable, that's another story.
Ne seft?
これ わ はな です。

Just wondering... what does that look like?
It looks like a bunch of squares to me... and I see a bunny bending over and looking in the mirror at his ass, he has a frown on his face because his ass is covered with little insects.


That WAS an inkblot test, right?
No, its Japanese hiragana... turn on auto-detection for it (View-Encoding/Character Coding-Shift_JIS or autodetect). :)
MONKEYS! *dances* Bounce :bang: :shakeit:
Yay! Eek