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Damn that's a tough one....but I gotta say I'm on the ropes with Lord of the Rings and the Matrix...what do you think?

Oh yeah...if you like uncompleted series (e.g. The Matrix and LotR), more than the others give 'er your vote...and somebody add some more trilogies 'cause I can't add any more.
The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings are great trilogies and I love Back to the Future, but nothing can beat the Original Trilogy.
Canadian Railroad Trilogy
Where in the hell is Indiana Jones? How dare you sir! :cuss:
Anyway, Lord of the Rings will end up as a great trilogy, but I haven't seen the last one yet so I can't vote for it. Same with the Matrix, but I wouldn't vote for it anyway since Reloaded wasn't as incredible as the original.

Of course, the original Star Wars trilogy is up there, but I think Indiana Jones tops it. I guess Harrison Ford = a good trilogy in my mind.
Now you can vote for Indiana Jones.
Thank you kind raccoon.
At The Godfather, to. That's a good trilogy (er, two thirds of it anyways)
Ok I gave my vote to the Lord of the Rings...on so many levels are those the most awesome movies ever made (although I can only watch them like, once a year 'cause they are a fucking marathon to watch). Special effects, stories, fight scenes, characters...it just inches out of the Matrix.
Quote:Originally posted by Fittisize
At The Godfather, to. That's a good trilogy (er, two thirds of it anyways)

Hell yeah, how could we have forgotten that?

The third movie apparently wasn't good (never saw it myself), but it can't be so bad that the greatness of the first two could be tarnished.

So yeah, Godfather gets my vote.

But why are there so many options? Star Wars is far and away the best... :)
I don't count the Godfather as a good trilogy. I do count it as the best movie/sequel pair ever, however.

And I totally forgot about Back to the Future. I'd put it up there with Indy and Star Wars. The Cubs actually win the World Series in 2015 so I don't have long to wait!
Quote:Originally posted by Weltall
The third movie apparently wasn't good (never saw it myself), but it can't be so bad that the greatness of the first two could be tarnished.

Yes, it can be bad enough that it tarnishes the other two. Not enough to make the first two anything less than great, but bad enough that it becomes the most overused punchline to any bad movie joke.
Godfather... haven't seen those movies. I also haven't seen the second (or, obviously, third) Matrix, or Scream (why in the WORLD is that there?). But still, number two to the classic Star Wars trilogy... hmm, tough one. Lord of the Rings. The first two are just so phenominally good... followed by the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Cool
You haven't seen any of the Godfather movies? Eek

Anyway, Indiana Jones just proved it is the best trilogy because the DVD box set became the fastest selling DVD box set ever. Since it was released last week the set has sold over 1.1 million. Granted, Star Wars would probably eclipse that if the original trilogy was released on DVD, but that wouldn't help my point.
Neither have I, but I bet it's something that puts organized crime in a good light or has some twisted sense of "honor" to it right?
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Neither have I, but I bet it's something that puts organized crime in a good light or has some twisted sense of "honor" to it right?

It does seem that way at the beginning of the first movie, but once the War of the Five Families begins...

I'd say Don Corleone is the only one with any real sense of honor... but the second movie shows how superficial even that is.
It certainly doesn't put organized crime in a good light. After the end of the trilogy, and even after the end of the second movie you realize how much Michael Corleone has lost because of organized crime and it's pretty disheartening. It's not the kind of movie that you come away from thinking you want to be a don.
Good, because as of late I've seen more than a few movies putting being in a gang in some sort of good light.

I do believe I'll bother watching it eventually if I see one of them come on TV or I find out I know someone who owns one.
Exactly -- Star Wars will crush Indy. :)
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
Good, because as of late I've seen more than a few movies putting being in a gang in some sort of good light.

I do believe I'll bother watching it eventually if I see one of them come on TV or I find out I know someone who owns one.

Just to warn you, though, it does start out glorifying the mob, but once you see everything that happens to the Corleone family through the first two movies you'd have to be insane to want to be a part of it.
How could you put up incomplete trilogies like LotR, the SW prequels, and the Matrix movies? I don't get it.

The OT gets my vote, but Indy is very close.
'Cause then there wouldn't be as many good ones to choose from.
Oh somebody add Die Hard, too. That's a real good trilogy as well.
(Why can't you edit your own polls?)
Quote:Originally posted by Fittisize
(Why can't you edit your own polls?)

Because you touch yourself at night.
No it's 'cause I ain't a moderator foo.
But you can't list incomplete trilogies... there are plenty of others to choose from.
Well the first two Lord of the Rings movies are better than any other movie series out there, and since it's gonna be a trilogy I voted it as my favourite. I dunno, what else is there to choose from?
I added Die Hard and the Alien trilogy [since we all know that Alien Resurection was REALLY part of the series].
Star Wars, Fittisize! :)
Star Wars org. trilogy is third on my list, behind Lord of the Rings and The Matrix ('casue I liked the first two movies of those series better than all three Star Wars movies...better even than ESB), and I dont' really know of any other trilogies that are any good that I've seen....
Bah. You are just whining about not including the LotR trilogy in there because it's tied with Star Wars. :p I also was on the border between the Matrix and LotR, but went with LotR for the same reasons Fittisize said. So they'll bring out the chains and measure if Tomlinson got enough for the drive to continue. And when the ball is on the border of being a first down, you should be thinking about lunch or dinner tonight at On the Border Restaurant. With locations in El Cajon, La Jolla, and downtown San Diego, you are always close to a great Mexican meal at On the Border! Hopefully none of our places have burned down. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: ...the Future was good too, but not like LotR and The Matrix.

DMiller, I think maybe Back to the Future got it wrong. Afterall, the Cubs are supposed to beat the Miami team, and that didn't happen. Sure, maybe in 12 years, but somebody is gonna have to move to the AL too...

And I promise I won't subject you guys to any more San Diego Charger radio commercials.
Still lots of time for the Marlins to move to the AL, or the Marlins to fold and a new team starts up in Miami. Anyway, did you hear the Chargers are practicing in Champaign this week because of the fires? I could go see the Chargers practice if they weren't closed sessions. So many bad football teams around here right now: the Chargers, the Bears, Illinois. Disgust I was hoping the Bulls were going to make a run for the playoffs this year, but they got blown out by the Wizards tonight. Illinois basketball should be pretty good, though.

Also on the topic of sports, Eric Karros bought a nice full-page ad in the Tribune today thanking the Cubs' fans for a great season and saying every major league player should have a chance to play a season at Wrigley. Karros filled in great for the Cubs this year and they wouldn't have made the playoffs without him. It's too bad he probably won't be back since there are a lot of potential prospects at first.

Anyway, back on topic. I want to hear what those of you who haven't seen the Godfather think of it once you finally see it. I don't know many people who haven't at least seen the first movie so I'm a bit curious.
I doubt anything could ever match Star Wars... I just love those movies so much... :)

Oh, and as I've said before, ESB isn't as good as RotJ... I just liked that one most. I don't know why everyone hated it... I, for one, liked the Ewoks!

LOTR is indeed fantastic... but Star Wars is the greatest.
I also think Return of the Jedi was the best of the O.T. Of course the others are great as well, except for Episode 1 which was just good.
Yeah, I did hear that, and the Chargers might even have to move the game after that which is supposed to be in SD. The NFL talked about moving it to the Metrodome, which would make the Vikings very happy.

I think we should all put this debate on hold for another week. Then we'll know for sure where the Matrix trilogy stands.
I think that ESB is the better-made movie, but Jedi is my personal favorite.
Quote:I think we should all put this debate on hold for another week. Then we'll know for sure where the Matrix trilogy stands.

Yeah, actually another couple weeks actually. Then I'll know for sure which is better, Matrix or LotR.
Hold it...I got another trilogy to add.

The Hannibal Lector trilogy (Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon)
But Hannibal sucked...
? Hannibal, the movie, or the trilogy? Silence of the Lambs was very good, as well as Red Dragon. Hannibal was ok.
Yeah, Hannibal was just a gross-out film. It didn't really have the psychological horror thing going for it.
Hannibal the movie sucked.
Why would we give a rating for the new starwars trilology when the 3rd installment isnt even out yet.

A Trilogy you left out is superman 1-3
Because we just know how good it'll be. Same with RotK...
Don't you think everyone assumed the third Godfather was going to be awesome? Although I agree that RotK will probably be incredible. If it is just as good as the first two it will pass Indiana Jones as my favorite trilogy. I can't bring myself to vote for it, though, seeing as I haven't even seen the last movie.
RotK will undoubtedly be at least as good as the first two. No way it won't be.

As for Star Wars ep.3... well Lucas has a big chunk of the story to tell, and did well in the last movie... I think he can do it. :)
I forgot another trilogy...Ice Cube's hilarious 'Friday' trilogy (Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next). Those are some damn funny movies.

I'm not sure if many people even thought that the Godfather trilogy would be completed 16 years after the second one, anyways, so did anybody even know there'd be a trilogy?
I'm just saying that when the third movie was announced people were expecting it to be brilliant. That's one reason it is the butt of every joke about bad movies. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it just had the highest of expectations.
Quote:Originally posted by DMiller
I'm just saying that when the third movie was announced people were expecting it to be brilliant. That's one reason it is the butt of every joke about bad movies. It wasn't a horrible movie, but it just had the highest of expectations.

Well, GF III did come out almost twenty years after the first two, and wasn't based on any of Puzo's work.

Of course, the new SW trilogy came out almost twenty years after the first... and outside of Star Wars fans I don't know one person who ever thought the new trilogy was half as good as the first.
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