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I just got it today so here are my impressions after having played a few levels:

It's better than Rogue Leader in every possible way, but I still wish they had improved the vehicle handling. They still feel like paper airplanes. The on-foot parts do drag the game down a bit, but it only takes up about 25% of the game and isn't too bad. It's just painfully simple, and the camera is annoying. Other than that it's the usual Rogue Squadron gameplay just more and better. The graphics are a huge leap over the last game and I can safely say that Rebel Strike is definitely the most impressive-looking game out right now, for any console (and PC). No game does as much and as well as RS does. Super-high poly count, several highly-detailed texture layers, a smooth framerate, incredible lighting (including volumetric lighting!), fog (much better this time), shadows, particle effects, explosions, etc. The game is a technical marvel. I'm drooling over the thought of what Factor 5 is going to be able to do with Pilotwing on the N5. The sound is also amazing, especially if you have a sound setup that supports PLII. Most of the music is now fully orchestrated, so you won't have to listen to a whole lot of that crappy synthesizer stuff from the other Rogue Squadron games.

So far, so good. If you expect Rogue Leader but bigger and better then you'll be happy. The on-foot parts probably should have been scrapped but some of you might like it.
hmmm, would you say that the on foot parts are similiar to shadows of the empire? and if that it a really stupid question, please pardon my ignorance, i havent kept up on the video game scene recently
They're nothing like the SotE on-foot parts. They're far, far simpler. And worse. But there's not nearly as much as there was in SotE.
I transferred my preorder of Rebel Strike over to Mario Kart because of the bad things I've had been hearing about the on-foot parts. I'll end up getting it eventually, but right now I'm broke.
Quote:I transferred my preorder of Rebel Strike over to Mario Kart

Good choice.
Indeed! I can't wait to race you all the second everyone here gets... let's see... Mario Kart, a broadband adapter, some sort of hub/switch/router (assuming you don't already have that), and some company releases a tunnel program for the 'cube. Have they done that yet? Kirby's Air something-or-other (haven't played it, but watched some people I know who rented it play it and looked at the box) already has broadband support.
I'd just have to buy the broadband adaptor. I have everything else. And it seems that a tunneling project is well under way and is currently testing how it works with Kirby's Air Ride. They say the beta should be ready by the time Mario Kart is released.
Warp Pipe eh? Cute name. I like it.
Yup, Warp Pipe is online in open testing. All you need are a Cube, Kirby's Air Ride, the Broadband Adapter, a network hub, a PC running Linux (Windows version isn't out yet), and a broadband internet connection... :)

As for Rebel Strike... yeah, the on-foot parts don't sound too good. But the rest of it looks just so great... more Rogue Squadron action, more extras, three classic arcade games hidden in it, the multiplayer... it looks great! I'll definitely get it sooner as opposed to later.
Yup, Warp Pipe is online in open testing. All you need are a Cube, Kirby's Air Ride, the Broadband Adapter, a network hub, a PC running Linux (Windows version isn't out yet), and a broadband internet connection... :)

As for Rebel Strike... yeah, the on-foot parts don't sound too good. But the rest of it looks just so great... more Rogue Squadron action, more extras, three classic arcade games hidden in it, the multiplayer... it looks great! I'll definitely get it sooner as opposed to later. Of course, 'sooner' well could be several months. Oh well.
You mean should reconsider, not shouldn't, I bet. :p
What? No, you shouldn't reconsider buying the game, like Derek is. First he was considering buying the game, but then he reconsidered that decision after he heard bad things about the on-foot parts. So I'm saying that he shouldn't reconsider his earlier decision.

Or something. Now you've confused me.
You're confusing me too. :)
What?! I didn't know that Rebel Strike was out already!!

I'll probably be getting it this week since I have a preorder.
And how about the multiplayer? It sounds really awesome, with a whole lot of great modes... co-op in Rogue Leader, as well as dogfighting and stuff, and the 'base war' thing where each player has a base to defend... how exactly does that mode work? I love strategy games as well as more strategic modes in other games... I remember really loving the mode like that in Future Cop 2049, for instance. And while quite different, BattleLord mode was my favorite mode in Battletanx Global Assualt...
I'll try to get some multiplayer in tonight.
Derek, if you have to choose between Rebel Strike and Viewtiful Joe or Rebel Strike and Mario Kart, I'd definitely take VJ or MK. RS is good, but not as good as VJ or how MK will most likely be.
Yeah, Viewtiful Joe is another I have to get. That one is on my Christmas list, though, so I might not have to buy it. Now that I'm just about to get my third console there are a lot of games I need to get. I'd say I have to catch up on XBox games I missed, but there isn't much I missed. ;)
Quote:but there isn't much I missed.

What can I say? It's the truth! :D
Yeah, if I could get one of those three I'd get Viewtiful Joe too...