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I know I certaintly do.
Who dosn't like food?
Food is like the very essence of life, the most basic desire of all living things.

The hunger... oh, for some food...

Plus, it's got the most taboos! Ya can't eat it if it touched the ground. Ya can't eat wild mushrooms unless you're an expert. Ya can't eat it if it's been sitting in the woods for thirty days even if it was vanilla flavored and I was hungry... I tell ya it was good!
I love buritos!
Yes. *is eating pretzels and stoned wheat thins*
So...why exactly are they "stoned"?
Stone-ground... supposedly. :)
Uh-huh, sure. ;)
I love crack for crackers!
Food is my enemy, my nemesis. It almost got me, but I fought back and won. I made 150 pounds of food-fattened me disappear, with the help of Darunia's armies, with whom I have a lifetime alliance.
And yet without it you would be dead right now, and single celled.
Weltall I am having weight issues nothing major , But is becoming a problem.

How did you beat it?
Most people tell me to drink lots of water but the Juice container is just too tempting.
Weltall did it the hard way, the way the body isn't really designed to loose weight, via dieting. From what he's said, and what I've heard over and over on science channels, this method is hell because the body believes it is being starved and starts doing stuff to make it even harder to loose weight, like storing MORE fat from the little food you do eat. The way that's recommended is excercise, which is how we are built to burn away excess baggage. The thing about that is that even though it really hurts at first, in a few weeks the same level of work doesn't feel that bad due to your getting stronger, plus the extra mitochondria burn more energy, so you end up burning even more food off. The reason so many give up is that the first week or so is very painful. Get past that, and you can either stick with what now feels good, or work out even harder to a level that feels like what low level excercising felt like at first, and become an even more efficient energy using machine. So, up to you. Either go for a very hard and painful way that leaves you drained, or go for the way that is very hard and painful but only at first, or if you want to go even further and keep it that way, and it leaves you energized. Plus, with excersice, you can eat more because the whole point is burning it. One last thing, there's no reason you can't do either, because both are totally free. You don't need tapes or machines to do either method. You can just jog in circles in the living room if you need to. Well, if you have prosthetics you are more machine than man anyway (where is that from?) so you are superior to the rest of us already.
I was on a Liquid diet for a month after I had jaw surgerey and I lossed 30 pounds with the pain killers and the Liquid food there was absolutely no fat what so ever for a month.But it was painful not in a physical sense you couldnt have a burger or fries or any food you liked. The fact I couldnt open my mouth pretty well ensured that I would never have screwed up. But the problem was after a month I was so starved for solid food that I started to eat heavily as soon as I could open my mouth.Not only did a Regen the 30 pounds back I also gained 100 pounds more.

So I am 260 pounds and what is scaring me is that I am getting close to 300 pounds.I fear by 2004 I could reach it and then be conciderd obese.I weigh more now then my middle aged dad so it scares the living shit out of me.

I tried doing alot of exercise but it seems I gain more then I lose.
I am really looking to lose 100 pounds so I can be 160 again like I was before I rapidly gained weight.
Well, the method I used was a bit extreme. But as they told me, and I found out, even something like that isn't a miracle cure, so I had to follow a diet plan. Since now I can eat normal amounts of food, I have to watch myself again. Now, six months of being forced to watch yourself is a huge help in allowing you to do it yourself, but I digress. The trick, apparently, is to trick your metabolism. The more often you eat, the faster it churns. The idea is to eat a little food often, instead of large meals spaced out. How you do that is up to you. I find fruit is a great way to do it. Exercise too, but in the same way. Instead of two or three hour-long gym sessions, take a half hour walk every day and get some free weights.

You might also try the Adkins diet. I haven't, but almost everyone I know who has did pretty well with it.
And if you don't want to buy any weights, lift other things you own. Your gamecube has a handle, use that. So do suitcases. Again, excersice is completely free.
I have some small weights actually, I cant find them though.
I dont have a gamecube but I get the idea.

I think the best way to lose weight is to keep yourself busy which is somthing I struggle with. But I will take note of your advice, As it worked for you.
Hah, yeah the Gamcube you'd REALLY feel the burn!
Yeah I know, not much of a weight, but he was only talking small ones. Eventually he could work up to an XBox.
Jesus! My dog weighs more then that!
It's a joke, about how big the XBox is...
I got it!

I think a pc would be much better for a work out especially one with a 5 pound hardrive.
But its a bit awkward to lift a PC much... :)
I'll start with a laptop!
Quote:Originally posted by Weltall
Exercise can also be very fun!

excercise CAN be fun, as i sometimes like to ride my dad's excercise bike while my little brother is owning me at mario tennis
Quote:Ya can't eat it if it touched the ground.

Unless you invoke the 5 second rule :)
I thought it was 3 seconds...
No, its 5 seconds.
I've been working overnight for the last week. The combination of the physical work and the sharply-decreased food intake has led me to lose nine pounds in seven days.

So, food is defeated and on the run!
And now, the question to end all questions: how in the hell do you GAIN weight?!

Eat food, of course, but it's hard for a skinny person to eat more than his or her body desires. So many weight loss programs out there and hardly any weight gain programs... I guess my minority doesn't matter even to the Democrats. :(
Lots of fat and starch and no exercise?

Or just wait until you're older, eventually metabolisms slow down... but my diet isn't exactly healthy (like how I have a bowl of ice cream for desert pretty much every day) and I don't gain much weight. I'm not really thin or something, though...
When I broke my wrist I lost about seven pounds. My arm hurt way too much to even think about eating.
Quote:Lots of fat and starch and no exercise?

*looks at twig-like arms* It hasn't worked so far...
People like Weltall don't feel very sorry for you. :)
No. :D
Quote:People like Weltall don't feel very sorry for you.

No, I don't imagine he would...
People can be disgustingly thin too, and perhaps you haven't experienced near death due to high metabolism any time in your life. Not exactly an easy thing to live with... Well, once you get used to eating a lot all the time every day, you can see the plus sides to it, except that you HAVE to eat all the time if you don't want to feel light headed.
I'm sure this question has been asked several times in the past, but... why, oh WHY, does unhealthy food (in most cases) have to taste so much better than healthy food?! Well, I suppose I'd rather live a short life eating food I like than live a long life eating food I don't like.
It's much less the food you eat than how you exercise. My diet isn't the best, but I'm pretty active.

I've learned over the past few weeks that Atkins is right, controlling your carbs is a great way to lose weight. I don't go so far as to eat burgers without buns or crazy stuff like that, but I do better avoid foods like crackers and chips that are almost all carbs.
All I do is sit in front of the computer munching on junk food all day. Isn't that supposed to be the ideal way to get fat? My metabolism is all messed up if you ask me.
You might not get fat, thanks to your metabolism, but it will destroy your arteries just the same :)
Hooray! Wait, that isn't good, is it?
Surely you've seen those ads? Ones with a thin, sexy blonde and a Michael Moore-lookalike next to each other and they have the same cholesterol rating?
I eat a bowl of Cheerios nearly every night. Heart-healthy, baby!!
Who was the one that posted the link about that Atkins guy being obese? I thought that was pretty funny.