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Full Version: More good news for the GC version of SC2
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Quote:Soul Calibur II has hit the number one spot on the UK software charts with the GameCube as the preferred console. Like in the US, the GameCube version of SC II has outsold the versions for other consoles in the UK too!

The GameCube sales account for 38 percent of last week's sales of the game. The PS2 and Xbox versions account for respectively 34 and 28 percent.

According to various sources, Soul Calibur II has also boosted the GameCube hardware sales 118 percent.

All in all this is very good news for Nintendo. Just imagine what all the other AAA titles released later this year can do for Nintendo.

Everybody likes Link!!

Wow, just imagine what would have happened if Nintendo had gotten exclusive stuff for all of those third-party games (and I'm not talking about stupid GBA connectivity). Like Samus in Madden or something. Haha That sure would have spiked up sales!
They could just have the third parties put Link in all their games, that would probably be enough.
Actually, putting Link in a game where he FITS was a great idea. I think people would get a bad image of Nintendo if they started putting him in ALL their games, like it was a move of desperation or something (or just being a blatent advertiser). Link in Madden? No! Link in a weapons based fighter in a fantasy vision of the old world just when America was discovered? Yes!

Now then, if Nintendo were to do this again, I would suggest doing it with Starcraft Ghost. They should put Samus in there, like possibly as an unlocked extra when you beat the game, you can play it through as her (ala the unlocked characters in Castlevania games). MS would most likely toss in Master Chief, and Sony would get... an Orc in a space suit (to honor how Namco screwed over PS2 owners by tossing in a guy Namco ALREADY OWNED as an "extra").
Yeah, I saw that... great news, especially considering that this is Europe we are talking about... :)
We were joking, DJ.
I wasn't...

Ah... well... neither was I!

I feel like watching Zatoichi right now. He's the best.