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Bacon and shoes?
Asian films!
Go here if you want to talk asian films, Johnny: http://pub127.ezboard.com/bhongkongdvds
Star Trek... or Star Wars, if we MUST change the topic. :)
I like to keep things fresh. Fresh like a clean baby diaper on a saturday afternoon.
Star Wars is the only really viable choice in that poll, boyo.
Crackers are winning.
Yay! Go, crackers!
I voted for crackers.
Well you are stupid then.
Well you are stupid then. :p
Double poster!!
ABF ALWAYS double posts, and not only that, the second time always has some alteration. It's like he isn't fully aware of the edit button or something.
'always' is a big exaggeration there... it happens every so often, but I usually get rid of the copy. :)
'always' is a big exaggeration there... it happens every so often, but I usually get rid of the copy. :)

And I use the edit button all the time.
That was subtle...
It happens very often.
Yeah, and it looks stupid so stop doing it, ABF!
It happens when I write a post, hit send, then hit stop and edit it and send it again. :)
New Topic: "Come on Eileen" best song ever? Discuss.
No. How do I know this? Because all of Ray Lynch's songs are the best.
Crackers is winning!
YOU TAKE THAT BACK, GREAT GRUMBLER! One hit wonder or not, Come on Eileen is the BEST SONG EVER! It's the national anthem of the Goron Empire! I don't even know who Ray Lynch is, therefore he sucks...
No, YOU suck!! Ray Lynch is only the best instrumental artist in the whole world.
Vangelis is pretty damn good as well...

BTW Darunia, who sings the anthem in Goron-land?
Why, Dexies Midnight Runners, of course. Well, officially anyway...anyone can sing the national anthem...for example, I now will:

Poor old Johnny Ray
Sounded sad upon the radio
He moved a million hearts in mono
Our mothers cried and sang along and who'd blame them

Now you're grown, so grown, now I must say more than ever
Go toora loora toora loo rye aye
And we can sing just like our fathers

Come on Eileen, well I swear (what he means)
At this moment, you mean everything
With you in that dress my thoughts I confess
Verge on dirty
Ah come on Eileen

These people round here wear beaten down eyes
Sunk in smoke dried faces
They're so resigned to what their fate is
But not us, no not us
We are far too young and clever
Eileen I'll sing this tune forever
Thanks for getting that catchy tune stuck in my head. Punk.
:D :shakeit:
Crackers it is!