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[Image: news_ep3_Anakin01.jpg]
And before you ask, his hair is all long and crappy because he's been fighting in a war for the past three years and had to cut his own hair with his lightsaber.
But that's not OB1... or even Obi-Wan... you lie!
Isn't cutting one's hair with a lightsaber rather dangerous? Why did he cut it with a lightsaber anyway, I mean is it really that hard to find a pair of scissors?
Well I don't know what he used, but since he has a lightsaber...
That's the UGLIEST Jedi Knight I've ever had the displeasure of mistakingly laying my eyes on. Seriously.
Pfft, Anakin is way cooler than you'll ever be!

And just admit it, you think he's cute! You want to marry him!!!
Oh and it's supposed to be a sort of 70's style hairdo. A lot of the characters, ships, etc. in Episode III are going to look similar to the stuff in Episode IV, which includes hair styles. That way the transition from prequels to sequels will look and feel more natural.

See? He's already starting to look like his son:

[Image: luke_anakin_comparison.jpg]
Wow, he does seem to have a resemblance to Mark Hamill. A very slight one. I don't like this Anakin actor, anyway; not that the little annoying pod racin' one was any better. Bring on the old bald dude who died at the end of RotJ!
My god, they're going to have to advance the plot so much in the third film...they have so much space to cover.
Don't worry, everything important will be covered in the movie.

It finished shooting yesterday, btw. Now the film is half done!
How old was Mark Hamill when he filmed the original Star Wars? 'Cause he looks like he's about 15 years older.
Wow, he does look a lot like Mark Hamill in that picture...
Muh? Hamill looks like he's in his 30's in that picture.

He was around twenty when ANH started filming. That pic is from RotJ, after he had that car accident and got surgery.
Well not the same obviously, but more similar than I thought he could...
I was replying to fittsy.
Ah... makes more sense then...
He also kinda resembles Leia:

[Image: getpicture.php?id=339987&check=132b9a]
Quote:Originally posted by OB1
And just admit it, you think he's cute! [b]You want to marry him!!! [/B]

I do! ^_^
Even if it meant you'd be killed eventually and your children would be hunted? Something about that just doesn't sit right with me, but at least the guy's got self confidence. You can't knock that.
Well yeah, being Padme would probably suck. Marry the future Darth Vader, have kids that you'll only see for a short amount of time, and then die.
Anakin looks stoned and sort of resembles Mc jagger.
Kind of interesting, They hair brings out his evilness.

notice the article is a french one!
Yeah he does look kind of stoned in that picture. And remember, his hair is supposed to have a 70's look to it.
Stoned and made for 70's? , Well done!
Haha Well he won't get stoned in the movie... he just looks like that in that one picture.
Are you kidding? He doesn't even look like he's touched a joint. ( or pipe, or bong etc.)
Ok is this better?
Well that would explain everything about the so-called "force" :D.
He looks wierd.

Kind of cool actually.

You better believe it! :D
He's the baddest mutha in the galaxy!
Quote:Originally posted by OB1
Ok is this better?

Much better ;)
I want Chewbacca I wonder if they made a new Chewy suite are reused an old one?
There are going to be a whole lotta' Wookies in the movie, including Chewie. :D Or rather, younger Chewie... yeah. The old suit smells kinda funky so I believe they made a new one.