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Full Version: Heh, Perrin Kaplan promotes Nintendo even during labor
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Incredible. From Nintendojo:

Quote:Perrin Kaplan, vice president of Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Nintendo of America, used her Game Boy Advance (she's always been an avid Game Boy player) and a copy of Donkey Kong Country too occupy her as a sort of distraction while in labor at a Swedish hospital in Seattle.

On Sunday she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, weighing in at 7 pounds and 15 ounces. This shows how tough the women of Nintendo truly are. I'd like to extend an enthusiastic congratulations to Perrin Kaplan and her family on behalf of Nintendojo. Amazing. (wj)

Source: Big News Network

Way to go, girl!
Heh, that's pretty funny stuff. :D

Congrats, Perrin!!
Perrin Kaplan is a female??

Well holy shit.
I though Perrin was a guy until a press release referred to here as "she".

I guess we've been reading a bit too much WOT. :D
Quote:Originally posted by Weltall
Perrin Kaplan is a female??

Now, now, I think you're jumping to conclusions....
You people didn't know that? But its not like it was a secret... :)
I've always know that she was a woman. She was on CNN a bunch of times before and after the GC launch.
Yeah, I've always known that too...
Yeah, I first assumed Perrin Kaplan was a guy. And I also assumed he had shining yellow eyes and carried an axe.
You've definitely been reading too much WOT. :D
Quote:Originally posted by Laser Link
Yeah, I first assumed Perrin Kaplan was a guy. And I also assumed he had shining yellow eyes and carried an axe.

And a LOT of facial hair.

Combine all that with the image of giving birth and suddenly I need therapy.